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If we want to save our planet, then we need to stop the spraying now! In this blog post, you're going to learn what chemtrails are and why they are a threat to our health.Then you are going to discover who is behind them and what their hidden agenda is. Se hela listan på What exactly is the “chemtrails” conspiracy? You’ve probably noticed these white streaks in the sky.

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Det bildas vid kondensering av vattenånga som  DIMMIG - English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. Swedish - English Translator. Sarah Klang - VIRGO - Bengans Red Vinyl Edt · Sarah Klang. 229 kr.

Conspiracy theorists call them chemtrails.

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Contrails and Chemtrails: 52: May 3, 2013: FB: Airline Pilots Who Believe that Chemtrails are Real: Contrails and Chemtrails: 28: Apr 28, 2013: Question for the pilots here: Contrails and Chemtrails: 37: Apr 6, 2013: Jet Pilots Fear "Chemtrail" Attacks: Contrails and Chemtrails: 129: Nov 1, 2012: Debunked: Photo of pilots protesting chemtrails So what are chemtrails, anyway? First of all, the phenomenon is not to be confused with normal airplane contrails.

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Why do some airplanes leave streaks and others don't? What conditions make  Post-truth, misinformation, anti-science, fake news or fabricated 'controversies' what do these trends mean for science engagement? This is what the articles  Buy 'Kramfors' by Martin Kurkkio as a Poster. Tord skötte aviansen i Kramfors under en kortare tid. I wish people would look UP, see the trail behind the airplane that they think is "exhaust" but it dosent disperse, it gets bigger and creats ugly sun blocking clouds  Support more videos like this at! Sorta transcript: Supposedly, the musician Prince has died at the age of 57.

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Internationales Chemtrailunternehmen. Wir fliegen nach Auftrag von Regierung oder jeder anderen 2013-10-18 · Although there are many causes cited for cancer, the idea of chemtrails from the air as a leading contributer to cancer, and other illnesses, has not been widely considered. Hereâ s a statement: Added by Lucille Femine on October 17, 2013 Guardian The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) cited data indicating that in 2010, 223,000 deaths from lung cancer worldwide resulted from Se hela listan på Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives. Chemtrails often extend from one horizon to the other. They tend to be thicker and wider than contrails, and their white plumes can be tainted with slight discolorations. Chemtrails linger for hours or whole days. They tend to fan out and mingle with themselves or actual clouds, forming larger clouds or a haze that covers the sky.
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Swedish - English Translator. Sarah Klang - VIRGO - Bengans Red Vinyl Edt · Sarah Klang. 229 kr. Info, Boka.

Inside of planes that are spreading chemtrails. We have to stop this madness, stop poisoning us and our children.
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The National Academy of Science is making climate  Jag tror att jag en gång läste att de tjänade till att kyla inbyggda datorsystem, men jag är inte säker. Geoengineeringens lösning till klimatkrisen som råder nu: NASA forskare berättar varför NASA släpper ut lithium och andra kemikalier i atmosfären: " The NASA  The highly toxic fallout from the spraying is literally poisoning all that lives." (Oct. 2013) Klicka Här. * * * Italiensk dokumentär om s.k.

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- Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock The highly reliable Wikipedia defines Chemtrails as long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft that are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes Air Force ‘whistleblower’ claims plane ‘chemtrails’ are spraying us all with poison Rob Waugh Monday 5 Jan 2015 2:39 pm Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share Chemtrails. Unsuspecting citizens mistake chemtrails for regular airplane tracks, but that's not what they are. They're chemical loads that are poured out above our heads by planes that have been specially equipped for this. The objective of these loads is to make the population ill and to inhibit their development. An honest discussion about the facts of Chemtrails from a current pilot. Mondays with Mover - Episode 47C.W. Lemoine Author VLOGBuy shirts and posters:https 2 CHEMTRAILS PLANES almost run into a passenger jetBOTH CHEMTRAIL planes - non responsive, transponders onFLYING BLIND invisible to RADAR and every oth GETTY.

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The trail of clouds that billow from an airplane streaking across the sky can be mesmerizing for children and adults alike. Jet engine traffic has become so  Jul 28, 2019 Contrails from airplanes trap heat from the sun and contribute to climate change.

Visa fler idéer om  Conspiracy theory chemtrails behind aircraft 3840X2160 UHD footage - Water-based contrails produced by engine exhaust on the sky 3840X2160 UltraHD  Få 32.000 sekund stockvideoklipp på plane contrails chemtrails in the med 23.98 fps. Video i 4K och HD för alla NLE omedelbart. Välj bland ett stort urval  Kondensationsstrimmor. Enligt de som tror på chemtrails kan dessa spår efter flygplan innehålla avsiktliga utsläpp av kemikalier för hemliga syften. Cirrusliknande  Your guide to chemtrails and contrails. Find out more here -