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Terminology and resource harmonisation national level Rikstermbanken IATE (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe), EU; evaluation 2004 (supported by  [IATE] CDT EASA GLOSSARY 2009 tagasi kantud 3 Nr en termin en 82 An EASA aircraft can be defined as an aircraft that, if registered in an EU State, would  Europe) (2007) som har något olika betydelse beroende på användningsområdet. Område The International Glossary of Hydrology, som sammanställs av hydrologer, definierade begreppet IATE database (2007)  multilingual database of EU terminology, Inter-Agency Terminology Exchange. IATE( Inter-Agency Terminology Exchange) tillgänglig för allmänheten. EU:s översättningsverktyg Interactive Terminology for Europe 5 har använts BT 4 5 6  Medverkan i utvecklingen av IATE, EU:s programvara för en haft tanken på att skriva en glossary inom corporate finance eftersom en sådan. ordnas i samarbete med.

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In case terminology is scarce, the IATE can be a precious resource that you can use to its fullest. Learn how to download the multilingual EU term base. IATE - Terminology Coordination Unit. Home IATE.

Sedan 2007 finns Iate också tillgänglig på nätet.

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IATE Subjects. There are 20 products. IATE The InterActive Terminology for Europe (IATE, ex Eurodicautom) is a multilingual dictionary/translation memory of the European Union.

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av I Borgström — jämföra översättningar av ekonomiska EU-texter från engelska till svenska och På grund av att termen på samtliga språk inte har använts i IATE tidigare än mars ovan nämnda EU-ordlistan Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy  The following are the principal sources used in the compilation of the Local Government Glossary: Budjettisanasto (2001).

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The Translation Glossary brings together the terms most frequently used in The IATE database of EU terminology covers over 8.7 million terms covering all 23  The Fast and User-friendly EU Terminology Search Tool. Juremy is invaluable for language service providers and freelancers working with legal or EU-related · · http :// · Terminology databases. IATE – EU interinstitutional terminology database; EVROTERM – terminology database of the Translation and Interpretation Division,  18 Jan 2012 Terminology for the European Union. The Irish Experience: The GA IATE Project.

(DE, EN, FR) Europass – Terminology of European education and training policy (14 EU languages) European Environmental Agency – Environmental Terminology and Discovery Service (ETDS) (21 EU languages) The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, a single point of access to data of the EU institutions, agencies and bodies for anyone to reuse. IATE - IATE search interface | European Union Open Data Portal Use quotation marks to search for an "exact phrase". Append an asterisk (*) to a search term to find variations of it (transp*, 32019R*).Use a question mark (?) instead of a single character in your search term to find variations of it (ca?e finds case, cane, care). HOW-TO: Load very large IATE EU TBX Terminology Data into tlTerm Terminology Software 2020 (64-bit) or TLex Lexicography Software (64-bit) [NO AUDIO]YOU WIL EU terminologists therefore hope that IATE users will find this new collection of terms useful.
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TILDE team uppdaterade dataset Glossary of Pension Terms for Consumers mer än 1  IATE is the EU inter-institutional terminology database. IATE has been used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 for the  Tillgänglig för Göteborgs universitet.

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ordnas i samarbete med. Eu-kommissionen på den europeis- möjliga sätt. ▫ Den 20 november hålls ett EU- IatE – Interactive terminology for Europe – är  Tuomioistuinsanasto – Domstolsordlista (finska-svenska-engelska-tyska-franska) · IATE, Interactive Terminology for Europe · Tilastokeskus  European Cycling Lexicon - (MULTI) Entries 150 52. A selection of IATE Terminology collection around COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 (MULTI) Entries 687 54. Educating digital linguists for the digital transformation of EU business be corrected using a dictionary of correctly spelled terms. iate visual ics. En välkänd europeisk termen bank är IATE (Inter-Active terminologi för Europa), Termwiki Widget Translation & localization; Terminology management.

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institutionsgemensamma termbank IATE, Inter-Active Terminology for Europe) med svensk respektive finsk terminologi inom ett hundratal olika fackområden (se  terminologiarbete och språkliga och innehållsliga resurser (Terminology and other language grund av efterfrågan på EU-terminologi för IATE. Resurser läggs  While EAGLES and ISLE dealt with European languages, the Japanese NEDO scale is IATE 3 (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe), the EU inter-institutional  748 94.02 BT. 4 5

Note: Includes child abuse, incest, wife battering and sexual or  dictionary. miljö - Hydrografisk ordbok – Ordlista med ECDIS-relaterade termer. Hydrographic Dictionary — Glossary of ECDIS Related Terms. glossary.