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2. Micrognathia, short philtrum, and high  18 Jan 2021 philtrum. The area from below the nose to the upper lip. Normally the philtrum is grooved. In foetal alcohol syndrome, the philtrum is flat. 'Philtrum' meaning in Tamil - Parts of the Body in Tamil, Tamil Meanings of various parts of body - Tamil Vocabulary, English to Tamil Dictionary. Find philtrum translation meaning in Gujarati with definition from english Gujarati dictionary.

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philtrum (n.) dimple in the middle of the upper lip, 1703, medical Latin, from Latinized form of Greek philtron, literally "love charm" (see philtre). Know Philtrum meaning in hindi and translation in hindi. Philtrum word meaning with their sentences, usage, synonyms, antonyms, narrower meaning and  keep a stiff upper lip. अपना दुःख-दर्द ज़ारिर नहीं होने देना Edit.

The philtrum is the vertical groove between the nose and upper lip.

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upper lip margin, 10. lower lip margin, 11. MCV: mean corpuscular volume. Andra orsaker ovanliga i Missbildningar – typiskt utseende: epikantusveck, kort näsa, tunn överläpp, indistikt philtrum,. 71  In Finland, the archaeology of the Neolithic – conventionally defined in 1,26 4,11 0,69 26 1,33 2,89 14 philtrum 14,80 10,68 22,86 2,57 26 2,17 15,02 14 upper  ptosis, cornea opacities, an underdeveloped alae, a short philtrum, a cupid's findings is needed, and further studies should clarify its biological meaning.

Philtrum meaning

rhinion, 8. philtrum, 9. upper lip margin, 10. lower lip margin, 11. MCV: mean corpuscular volume. Andra orsaker ovanliga i Missbildningar – typiskt utseende: epikantusveck, kort näsa, tunn överläpp, indistikt philtrum,.
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Anatomy. the vertical groove on the surface of the upper lip, below the septum of the nose.

The vertical indentation between the upper lip and the nose. (noun) The philtrum, is a vertical groove in the middle area of the upper lip, common to many mammals, extending from the nose to the upper lip.
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Medical Definition of philtrum. : the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip. Not nesseceraly. If you have a concave philtrum, you have an at least average maxilla.

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n. pl. phil·tra (-trə) or philtrums 1. In humans and certain other primates, the vertical indentation in the center of the upper lip. 2. Medical Definition of philtrum. : the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip.

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As you  philtrum - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Anatomythe vertical groove on the surface of the upper lip, below the septum  The philtrum or medial cleft, is a vertical indentation in the middle area of the upper lip, common to many mammals, extending in humans from the nasal septum  philtrum in a sentence - Use philtrum in a sentence and its meaning 1. Scribner / Philtrum Press . $ 2.50 to download. 2. Micrognathia, short philtrum, and high  18 Jan 2021 philtrum. The area from below the nose to the upper lip.