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In 2010, the company acquired a patent portfolio from European Institute of  immaterialrätt. The Editor: NIR is an Unique Database for Nordic Intellectual Legal privilege for danske European patent attorneys. Legal Privileges for  Sweden, Evangelos has created a database with all academic employees in Sweden, which was then matched with data from the European Patent Office (EPO). Alphabetical list of library databases. EU: laws and legal cases.

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This free online service contains procedural information on all European patent applications from the moment they are published. The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO). Find information on applying and searching for patents, legal issues on patents, patent grants, rules and regulations about European and international patent applications. National patent offices' databases Espacenet is accessible to beginners and experts and is updated daily. It contains data on more than 120 million patent documents from around the world.

A registered Community design is valid in all countries of the European Union. EU Pesticides Database The EU Pesticides Database allows users to search for information on active substances used in plant protection products, Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in food products, and emergency authorisations of plant protection products in Member States.

db:imb vtit:intellectual prop... - LIBRIS - sökning

Technical information. Espacenet is accessible to beginners and experts and is updated daily. It contains data on more than 120 million patent documents from around the world.

db:imb vtit:intellectual prop... - LIBRIS - sökning

We are organising a number of webinars on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in winter/spring 2021 so that we can take stock of the state-of-play, share some of the ideas developed under recent actions and discuss with stakeholders potential improvements to the framework governing SEPs. At the European Union Intellectual Property Office we register close to 85 000 designs a year.

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As of 18 December 2020, the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) has made its trade mark images available to TMview visual search tool.
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The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has its own patent database, which is a fantastic resource for searching patents from the U.S. The data base is free to use and makes available full text and image of domestic patents and … Her kan du søge i de rettigheder, der findes i Danmark. Resultatet kan give dig en indikation af, om din idé er ledig.

Agreements. International  Danish Patent and Trademark Office Ministry of Trade and Industry IP Enforcement Portal. The single EU platform to deal with IPR enforcement matters  Representing Accumulate in patent infringement, revocation and trade secret Representing Leo Pharma in proceedings before the European Patent Office  PRH - Finnish Patent and Registration Office Finnish Patent and This website is part of the European Commission's Your Europe portal. Did you find what you  by specified EU legislation and international agreements.
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The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO). Find information on applying and searching for patents, legal issues on patents, patent grants, rules and regulations about European and international patent applications. Explore engineering careers and apply for jobs in engineering. This free-to-use online tool gives you access to European patent applications and granted patents. Open EP full-text search enables you to search European patent applications (A documents) and granted patents (B documents) and monitor new publications as they appear. Figure Green patent families across countries 1990-2015 The map shows the quintiles of the geographical distribution of green patent families at country level.

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EU Pesticides Database The EU Pesticides Database allows users to search for information on active substances used in plant protection products, Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in food products, and emergency authorisations of plant protection products in Member States. 2021-01-28 · Free online access to patent collections is provided by many countries. Some available databases include: European Patent Office (EPO) provides esp@cenet a network of Europe's patent databases- This site also provides access to machine translation of European patents for some languages. The full-text of international publications of Euro-PCT applications published by WIPO as of 2019 week 1 and not republished by the EPO is now searchable once the international publication has been mentioned in the European Patent Bulletin. Detailed information in the user manual downloadable from this page. 2020-08-15 · Worldwide patent search. Search on Worldwide Espacenet, hosted by the European Patent Office.

tidigare databaserna Market Access Database (för export) och Trade developments within patent and trademark issues in ChinaNästa  I följande grafer följer vi index för svenska företags ansökningar om patent-, design- och Patent Europe, US, PCT/WO: Database supplier Questel Patent Database,. September 2004. Antal.