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At any library location by cash, check, credit or debit card; Online with a major credit or debit card: go to My Account and have your library card number and PIN handy; By mail (please allow additional time): send check with library card number noted to: Columbus Metropolitan Library, Attention: Circulation, 96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 Contact the Library. 250 Winter Street NE. Salem, OR 97301. Directions and Parking Community library contact information or call (800) 984-4636. Program Proposal.
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Live chat is the quickest way to get in touch with us. We offer chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During the daytime and early evening, your question will be answered by a member of Solent Library staff but at other times you'll be connected with a librarian in a university anywhere in the world who can help you find what you need.
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250 Winter Street NE. Salem, OR 97301. Directions and Parking Community library contact information or call (800) 984-4636. Program Proposal. Close. Open. Program Proposal. Contact Us. We're here to help!

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During the daytime and early evening, your question will be answered by a member of Solent Library staff but at other times you'll be connected with a librarian in a university anywhere in the world who can help you find what you need. Library Contact. Address: Sol Plaatje University, Central Campus Corner Scanlan & Bultfontein Road Kimberley. Tel: 053 491 0294. Email: library@spu.ac.za Library Staff.

Develop your Skills for Learning. Welcome to the El Sol Library! NEW! Click HERE to learn about our new CURBSIDE LIBRARY SERVICE! Navigate through the links to access online resources provided by Kalamazoo Public Schools, MEL (Michigan eLibrary), and the Kalamazoo Public Library. 2021-04-15 · Community library contact information or call (800) 984-4636. Program Proposal. Close.