ERC-finansiering vid KI Karolinska Institutet


ERC - Europeiska forskningsrådet Medarbetarwebben

Accordingly the portfolio ERC funded projects spans a wide range of topics and research questions. Since 2007, more than 9,500 projects have been selected to receive ERC funding throughout the EU Member States and the associated countries Han får ERC Advanced Grant för projektet “PREVENT-2024”: Moving from biomarkers to mechanism-oriented prevention of cardiometabolic disease”. I sin forskning har Olle Melander visat att flera olika hormonella störningar av till exempel hormonerna vasopressin, neurotensin och adrenomedullin är kopplade till en kraftfullt ökad risk för diabetes och hjärt‑kärlsjukdom. ERC Advanced Grants (ERC-AdG) Individuella bidrag för excellenta forskare, som redan är etablerade forskningsledare inom sina respektive områden. För att bli finansierad av ERC kan inte en forskare leva på gamla meriter, utan måste kunna visa att de aktivt bedriver forskning och har bidragit med betydelsefulla forskningsresultat under de senaste tio åren.

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Kenneth Chien. Principal Investigator: Kenneth R. Chien, MD, PhD, Professor of Cardiovascular Research, Department of Medicine, Huddinge, and Department Applicants for the ERC Advanced Grants are established research leaders and are expected to be active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years. Further information about Advanced Grants. If you have any questions, please contact 2 days ago ERC Funded Projects. The ERC operates according to a "curiosity-driven", or "bottom-up", approach, allowing researchers to identify new opportunities in any field of research. Accordingly the portfolio ERC funded projects spans a wide range of topics and research questions.

The guidance may change as more is learnt about COVID-19 – Check the ERC website for the latest guidance ( is paramount and the safety priorities are: (1) self; (2) colleagues and bystanders; (3) the patient. The ERC Advanced Grant is a grant scheme of the European Research Council (ERC) targeted at leading researchers in different fields to pursue groundbreaking and ambitious projects with a potential for an extremely high-level impact..

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The maximum  31 Mar 2020 It has now been decided who will get an ERC Advanced grant. In total, 185 researchers will share 450 million euro.

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This two-part webinar series by UKRO is aimed at researchers who are planning to submit a proposal to the 2021 ERC Advanced Grant call, and the research support staff … ERC GRANT ERC Advanced Grant. The ERC Advanced Grant is part of the European Research Councils (ERC). The ERC grants are highly competitive and an outstanding track record is an important factor of success.

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Additional funding can be requested in the proposal to cover the following eligible costs when these are necessary to carry out the proposed work: Tre ERC Advanced Grant till universitetet Av sju sökande från Stockholms universitet beviljades hela tre stycken ERC Advanced Grant. De som har beviljats bidrag är Frank Wilczek, professor i fysik, Johan Rockström, professor i miljövetenskap och David Strömberg, professor i nationalekonomi.
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European Research Council (ERC) Grantees Recruitment. Associate or Full Professor for ERC Advanced Grantees (AdG) with UNITUS as Host Institution. The ERC Advanced Grant funding targets researchers who have already established themselves as independent research leaders in their own right. More   Convocatoria Advanced Grants 2017 del European Research Council (ERC). El documento se estructura de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar, se informa  1 Apr 2020 On Tuesday 31 March 2020, the European Research Council announced the laureates of its annual Advanced grants competition.

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The amounts vary per proposal, but fluctuate around 2.5 million Euro and are normally for a period of  12 Sep 2018 ERC Advanced Grants. The European Research Council (ERC) is the first European Union funding body set up to support investigator-driven  24 Mar 2017 Rockström is one of three professors at Stockholm University to receive an ERC Advanced Grants · Funding will support advanced research on  27 Mar 2019 The ERC Program covers all levels of research career and the Advanced Grants are awarded to exceptional leaders in research embarking on a  6 Mar 2017 Published: March 6, 2017. Although many ERC Advanced Grant (AdG) applicants are distinguished and excellent researchers, proposing  Since the establishment of the ERC grants by the European Research Council in 2007, six ERC Starting Grants and eight ERC Advanced Grants have been  15 Jun 2015 The ERC's generously supported “Advanced Grant” is awarded to leading European researchers who have shown outstanding achievement in  15 Oct 2008 The ERC announced the first successful candidates in the Advanced Grants competition in the domain Physical Sciences and Engineering  ERC Advanced Grant 2012. List of selected Principal Investigators SH2. © European Research Council, 2012 -

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Stockholms universitet beviljas fyra ERC Advanced Grants

Since 2007, more than 9,500 projects have been selected to receive ERC The ERC Advanced Grants are part of the main ERC frontier research grants 2019 funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The ERC's main frontier research grants aim to empower individual researchers and provide the best settings to foster their creativity. ERC Advanced Grant (Adg) vid Lunds universitet Lunds universitet har sedan ERC-starten 2007 beviljats 20 ERC AdG. Av dessa har nio beviljats under Horizon2020. En AdG-utlysning återstår inom Horizon2020 (deadline 26 augusti). I utlysningen 2019 beviljades totalt 6 ERC AdG till svenska forskare varav två till forskare vid Lunds universitet. Tre ERC Advanced Grant till universitetet Av sju sökande från Stockholms universitet beviljades hela tre stycken ERC Advanced Grant.

Six of them have a Swedish host institution. Fakta ERC Advanced Grant (AdG) ERC:s uppdrag är att främja forskning av högsta kvalité genom omfattande och långsiktig finansiering. Anslagen söks i internationell konkurrens med vetenskaplig excellens som enda urvalskriterium. The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. It funds young, early-career top researchers ('ERC Starting grants'), already independent excellent scientists ('ERC Consolidator Grants'), and senior research leaders ('ERC Advanced Grants'). Preliminary deadline for ERC Advanced Grants call 2021 is 31 August 2021.