Invitation to the presentation of Nordic Waterproofing's full


# Nordic Waterproofing - Interview with CEO Martin Ellis Rec

Denmark. 2011. 2013. Investor Relations Jesper Breitenstein +45 33 36 69 76 Complaints Nordic Waterproofing is one of Europe’s leading producers and suppliers of waterproofing products and services for buildings and infrastructure. NORDIC WATERPROOFING HOLDING A/S : Press releases relating to NORDIC WATERPROOFING HOLDING A/S Investor relations | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB: NWG | NASDAQ STOCKHOLM AB Nordic Waterproofing Holding General Information Description. Nordic Waterproofing Holding A/S is a producer and supplier of waterproofing products and services for buildings and infrastructure. The company operates in two segments, Products & Solutions, and Installation Services.

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2021-04-08: Company: Type: Date: Price: Quantity: Value: 14,000: 2,166,971.80: Kindred Group plc SDR: Repurchase: 2021-04-08: 154.78: 14,000: 2,166,971.80 Nordic Waterproofing Holding A/S är ett Danmark-baserat företag som tillverkar och levererar vattentätningsprodukter och tjänster Head of Investor Relations: Nordic Waterproofing – Rekordkvartal. Nordic Waterproofing (NWG) handlas till omkring samma kursnivå som när vi tittade på bolaget senast i mitten av mars (Newsletter 1687). Till skillnad från då finns den idag inte längre bland våra Top Picks som den exkluderades ifrån efter att ha infriat riktkursen om 92 kr i april. Svolder AB (publ) har den 16 februari 2017 förvärvat 600 000 aktier i Nordic Waterproofing.

Nordic Waterproofings CFO Jonas Olin har sagt upp sin anställning för att börja en tjänst som CFO och IR-ansvarig på Resurs Holding. Jonas Olin ingår i koncernledningen i Nordic Waterproofing och kommer att ha kvar sina ansvarsområden som CFO och IR-ansvarig på Nordic Waterproofing … Investors. Full-year report 2020.

Om Nordic Waterproofing Holding A/S NWGH -

Investor Relations: 070-571 65 88 Övrig annonsering: 070-968 50 91 Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB: Publishing of Nordic Waterproofing's annual report for the financial year 2020 6 Apr 2021 / Press release Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB: Nordic Waterproofings förvärv av Seikat Oy är genomfört Nordic Waterproofing - Feedback from ABGSC’s Investor day (Introduce) 2021-03-09 17:46. Demand is holding up in Q1. Focused on acquisitions in 2021. 12x ‘21e EV/EBITA, 8x if M&A headroom is utilised.

Investerare – Nordic Waterproofing

Interim report Q1 2021. NORDIC WATERPROOFING GROUP | 154 följare på LinkedIn. We make waterproofing easy | ONE OF EUROPE’S LEADING PRODUCERS Nordic Waterproofing is one of Europe’s leading producers and suppliers of waterproofing products and services for buildings and infrastructure.

Nordic waterproofing investor relations

All Wallenstam Ab Investor Relations Verweise. Susann Linde - CFO and Head of Investor Relations at . WALLENSTAM AB – Nordic Waterproofing  Investor relations - Stendörren Fastigheter. Aktiekurser 2021; Aktuella aktiekurser och börsnyheter - Aktien – Nordic Waterproofing; Redwood  Photos, videos, and other materials.
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This information is information that Nordic Waterproofing Holding A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 3 November 2020, 08:00 a.m.

The company is headquartered in Stockholm and has production facilities in Vislanda, Småland. Nordic Waterproofing appoints new CFO and Head of Investor Relations Wed, Dec 11, 2019 17:30 CET. Per-Olof Schrewelius, who is currently CFO of Alligator Bioscience AB, will join Nordic Waterproofing in March 2020 and become a member of Group Management.
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Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB: Invitation to -

2021-04-06 · Per-Olof Schrewelius, CFO and investor relations Telephone: +46 707 82 79 58 E-mail: Nordic Waterproofing is one of the leading providers in the waterproofing market in northern Europe. About Axcel.

Investerare – Nordic Waterproofing


Each share in Nordic Waterproofing Holding AB entitles the shareholder to one ( 1) The Company also runs a commercial credit risk in relation to its customers. Want to know more about Nordic Waterproofing Group?