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(+1500dps on my ret pally who has a 405 on use pvp trinket and 400 Gore-Crusted Butcher's Block) This thread is archived The Highborne were the upper classes of the ancient kaldorei civilization, at first a nameless caste made up of night elves who had unusual intelligence, strength, skills, or wealth and thus found favor with the ruling monarch. Highborne Compendium of Sundering hotfixed Tip From the Bluetracker, hotfixes: July 2 : "Fixed a bug that caused the Highborne Compendium of Sundering’s proc chance to increase if an allied player also had the trinket equipped." Highborne Compendium of Swirling Tides : 400. 1%. Ward of Envelopment : 350.

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Marskmanship Hunters gear PvE - World of Warcraft

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Highborne Compendium of Storms. 72. 0. Enthraller's Bindstone. 78 . 400. 64.6%.

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