Open call för BANK! Street Art Festival 2020! - Västerviks


Open Call for Index Summer Festival – Index – The Swedish

OPEN CALL. International Art Exhibition for New Technology ´22 - Call for … Annual open call Prisma (link to another webpage) Project database (link to another webpage) Employees Current calls The Green Transition and Working Life Greater knowledge is required about how the green transition is likely to affect working life. … FIWARE Open Calls. Take Your Innovative Ideas to the Next Level With These Opportunities #OpenCallSpotlight. explore.

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Applications opening soon. For those who are unable to make it to the open call, you can join the Ai Fiori team by submitting your resume for consideration! Please list down what position you are applying for and when you are available for an in-person interview. Attachments that cannot be opened will not be considered.

The deadline for applications is on June 18th 2021 at 17.00 CET. Where to apply?

Open Call Archives - Pro Artibus

Infrastructure-oriented call includes deadlines on 29 th June 2020, 4th January 2021 and 30th June 2021, all of them closing at 13:00 (Brussels time). Please, be First Open Call for SDG Good Practices (2018 – 2019) The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) launched a call for submissions of good practices, success stories and lessons learned by all stakeholders in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and the results are made available in an online database of more than 500 good practices. With OPEN, we welcome the innovation community to give us their ideas for the next big leap in energy technology. We do this for a few reasons, but most importantly, it ensures we get to evaluate the strongest, most creative concepts to help us fulfill our goal of keeping America secure, boosting competitiveness, and protecting the environment.

Open Call – residensvistelse i Jokkmokk och Risudden

NEW MEMBERS PLEASE READ: Here are the group rules for Open Call: Sci-fi/Fantasy/Pulp. Please review the rules carefully, as we expect our members to behave as professionals, and breaking the rules is the quickest way to get yourself banned. Please submit your proposal through the Image Behaviour Open Call portal by 6pm on Tuesday 30 March 2021. Following the closing date, the jury will invite a shortlist of artists to discuss their proposals in more detail, before selecting those artists who will receive the ICA x Dr. Martens Image Behaviour Production Grants and create new work for Image Behaviour 2021.

Open call

Call for Artists. 2021-04-19 OPEN CALL: SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY & PULP MARKETS has 11,503 members.
Obehaglig känsla i vänstra bröstet

Du som arbetar med arkitektur, form och design kan söka 250 000 kr för att genomföra ett projekt på temat  Välkommen till Jokkmokk, en stad norr om polcirkeln i arktiska Sverige och Sápmi. Vi erbjuder i höst ett researchbaserat residens för bild- och formkonstnäre OPEN CALL – Vi söker föreställningar!

Open call 2021 Screenwriting competition for short films about European space exploration The European Space Agency (ESA) invites screenwriters to submit proposals for short films about European space exploration. PULSATE Open Calls Looking for innovations in laser-based advanced and additive manufacturing technology.
Sänka skepp fartyg

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Lanseringsfilm: ArkDes Think Tank Open Call 2021! - ArkDes

La Direzione Gabinetto Sindaco, Controllo Partecipate , Struttura Complessa Cultura e sport informa  9 feb 2021 Virtual Reality & Arts Festival lancia la Real-In Open Call, per individuare creatori e artisti che lavorano nel campo delle Arti Interattive che  2 feb 2021 ReA Art Fair - La II edizione della fiera d'arte presso la Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Open call per artisti emergenti: via alle application. Milano onirica: la open call di The Milaneser. Redazione· 29 Ottobre, 2020.

Ringa samtal
flugger group aktie

Open Call – Plattform KcSyd Gallerigången Skissernas

This workshop is an opportunity for  Open Call VIS #6. 2020-08-31. Utlysningen till att medverka i VIS #6 har öppnats.

Open Call – Samla & visa - Konstmuseet

89plus is calling for poets, artists, writers, architects, filmmakers, musicians, designers, choreographers, scientists  Göteborgs Stadstriennal har under hösten 2020 utlyst ett Open call, för att samla in idéer till program och innehåll inför triennalen 2021. Efter ett  Open call för digital grupputställning hos Craft Space Helvetet, för alla former av konsthantverk. Läs mer på & ansök  OPEN CALL: SITE Nordic Residency. by SITE | posted in: Aktuellt | 0. Nordic Recidency 2018: TOGETHER ALONE med pavleheidler, Samuel  OPEN CALL: Nya sätt att arbeta med konst och teknik – över sundet. Helsingborgs stad. Helsingborgs stad och Helsingör kommun letar efter kreativa  Open call - Galleri Konstepidemin · Läs mer om Open Call for artists:Blanc de Chine International Ceramic Art Award Open Call Coal Prize 2021 – Forest.

Open Call.