DMX - Wikiwand


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DMX at the after party for the 79th Academy Awards. Studio albums: 7: Compilation albums: 6: Music videos: 24: American rapper DMX released seven studio albums, seven compilation albums, one mixtape, two extended plays (EP), 47 singles (including 17 as a featured artist) and 24 music videos.. As of June 2014, DMX became the fifth best-selling rap or hip-hop artist of the Nielsen SoundScan era DMX (rapper) Earl Simmons (December 18, 1970 - April 9, 2021), better known by his stage name DMX or Dark Man X, was an American rapper and actor. He is from Yonkers, New York.

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Earl Simmons (18. decembar 1970 – 9. april 2021), poznatiji pod umjetničkim imenom DMX ("Dark Man X"), bio je američki reper i glumac koji je slavu stekao 1997. Godine 1999. izdao je svoj najbolje prodavaniji album And Then There Was X koji sadrži singl "Party Up (Up In Here)".

DMX werd in 1998 bekend bij het grote publiek na het uitbrengen van zijn debuutalbum It's Dark and Hell Is Hot .

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DMX: X Gon' Give It To Ya, Ruff Ryders' Anthem, Party Up (Up in Here), Lord Give Wiki:; Related: Featuring songs,  via Wikipedia, licens Earl Simmons, mer känd som DMX, har avlidit i en hjärtattack,  Reebok Daytona DMX Shoes Reebok Daytona DMX-skor. Reebok Wikipedia Reebok Wikipedia Reebok Classic Leather Shoes Reebok US Reebok US CLPFLAT1TRI3WIRWH har möjlighet att drivas via 4 DMX-lägen, den integrerade Linoleum — Wikipédia Techno, Bauhaus Arkitektur, Uppfinningar, Victorian,  DMX-metod man NAS mageHiphopmusik, Hiphop, Hiphop How The Wu Tang Clan Changed The Way You Dress Tidskriften The Journal Hur Wu Tang-klanen  History of Allen Iverson Reebok Shoes Nice Kicks Nice Kicks Historik om Allen Iverson Reebok-skorTrevliga spark. Reebok Walk Ultra V DMX Max 4E AQ9220 Rapparen DMX, vars egentliga namn är Earl Simmons, vårdas på sjukhus efter en överdos på fredagen, uppger källor DMX (Wikipedia (en)).

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Wikipedia dmx

Művésznevével tiszteleg az Oberheim DMX típusú dobgép előtt, amelyet ő is használt az 1980-as években, hogy megalkossa saját rap beat-jeit. Werking. DMX512 (ook wel DMX genoemd) wordt gebruikt als seriële communicatiebus tussen verschillende apparaten in de theater- en lichttechniek. Vaak is het sturende apparaat een lichttafel met enkele dimmerpacks of andere meer ingewikkelde armaturen.
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It soon became the primary method for linking controllers to dimmers and special effects devices such as fog machines and intelligent lights. DMX has also expanded to uses in non-theatrical interior and architectural l Earl Simmons (Mount Vernon, 18 de dezembro de 1970 – White Plains, 9 de abril de 2021), conhecido como DMX ("Dark Man X"), foi [3] um rapper, compositor e ator americano. DMX já vendeu trinta milhões de álbuns até hoje e é considerado um dos maiores rappers de todos os tempos.

Fin mair about DMX (rapper) at Wikipedia's sister projects: Media frae Commons Quotations frae Wikiquote Database entry #Q223769 on Wikidata DMX on IMDb This page wis last eeditit on 9 Apryle 2021, at 19:40.
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Earl Simmons — bedre kendt som DMX (forkortelse for Dark Man X) – (født 18. december 1970 i Mount Vernon, i New York, død 9. april 2021 i White Plains) var en amerikansk rapper og skuespiller.

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DMX - Wikiwand

apríl 2021, White Plains, New York, USA), viac známy ako DMX (známy aj ako Dark Man X, Dog Man X a Divine Master of the Unknown) bol americký reper a herec, ktorý sa stal slávnym v roku 1997. ), ismertebb nevén DMX (Dark Man X) amerikai rapper és színész, aki az 1990-es évek végén vált híressé. Művésznevével tiszteleg az Oberheim DMX típusú dobgép előtt, amelyet ő is használt az 1980-as években, hogy megalkossa saját rap beat-jeit.

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DMX … DMX began to rebuild his career with an appearance on one of DJ Clue?'s underground mixtapes. In 1997, he earned a second major-label shot with Def Jam, and made a galvanizing guest appearance on LL Cool J's "4, 3, 2, 1." Further guest spots on Mase's "24 Hours to Live" and fellow Yonkers MCs the LOX's "Money, Power & Respect" created an even stronger buzz, and in early 1998, he released his Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

In 2003, he published a book of his memoirs entitled, E.A.R.L.: The Autobiography of DMX. Earl Simmons, mest känd under sitt artistnamn DMX, född 18 december 1970 i Yonkers, New York, död 9 april 2021 i White Plains, New York, [1] var en amerikansk rappare och skådespelare. Han var också känd som The Dog , Dark Man X ( DMX är en förkortning av Dark Man X ), X och D . DMX at the after party for the 79th Academy Awards. Studio albums: 7: Compilation albums: 6: Music videos: 24: American rapper DMX released seven studio albums, seven compilation albums, one mixtape, two extended plays (EP), 47 singles (including 17 as a featured artist) and 24 music videos. DMX. Från Wikipedia. Hoppa till navigering Hoppa till sök. DMX kan avse: DMX512 – ett kommunikationsprotokoll vanligtvis för scen- och ljusstyrning.