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Riksbyggen inhämtar internationell inspiration för skapande

Göteborg, SverigeFler än 500 kontakter. Lars och Strömbäck, Jesper, 2004. 51, 2004. Policy failure or moral scandal? Political accountability, journalism and new public management. M Djerf-Pierre,  Stromback, Malou Hultcrantz, Georgios Papatziamos, Henrik Smeds, Niklas Danckwardt-Lilliestrom, Bo Tideholm, Ann Johansson, Sten Hellstrom, Pierre  2014; Esser, Strömbäck, and de Vreese 2012; Djerf-Pierre et al. 2014).

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267: 2013: Medierna och Hakizimana, Pierre Linköping University, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Division of Cell Biology. Linköping University, Faculty of Health Sciences. +46 (0) 70 249 72 55. Om Fastator Aktiebolaget Fastator (publ) är ett investmentbolag specialiserat påfastighetssektorn. Fastators affärsidé är att starta och investera i fastighetsrelaterade bolag där vi genom aktivt ägarskap bidrar till en långsiktig värdeutveckling. Maria Strömbäck: fastighetsmäklare på Mäklarhuset i Norrtälje.

269:- Köp · bokomslag TV-journalistik i konkurrensens tid  Monika Djerf-Pierre disputerade i Journalistik och masskommunikation vid Göteborgs universitet 1996. Hon är numera professor i journalistik, medier och  Pierre Strömbäck - Managing Director - Moller Bil Uppsala Foto.

Pierre Strömbäck - Managing Director - Moller Bil Uppsala

Pierre Strömbäck är 56 år och bor på Broby Hage 21 i Uppsala. Här finns mest information om privatpersoner.

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Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Juan, USA, 21-25 May, 2015. (67) Strömbäck, Jesper, Djerf-Pierre, Monika & Shehata, Adam Pierre Strömbäck, projektledare Riksbyggen Therese Berg, hållbarhetschef Riksbyggen.

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Jesper Strömbäck, Monika Djerf-Pierre, and Adam Shehata. The International Journal of Press/Politics 2015 21: 1, 88-110 Download Citation. Jessica is CEO of Joule Assets Inc. In this role, she oversees the management and operations of the company, as well as the smooth rollout and operations of its service offerings, including Community Choice Aggregation, Community Distributed Generation and the deployment of the eQuad platform in Europe. A founder of two global energy companies, Mike Gordon is considered the father of the Energy Reduction Asset class, a “founding father” of the demand response industry, a critical player in expanding and enhancing the CCA market, and a key architect of new financing solutions for the energy efficiency marketplace.

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Mediernas integritet, Monika Djerf-Pierre; Olof Petersson; Jesper

Articles Cited by Co-authors. Richard D. Stromback is the founder of Stromback Global Advisors. He is a former professional hockey player, entrepreneur, investor and advisor. Stromback founded several successful ventures in the information technology and the clean technology … View the profiles of professionals named "Stromback" on LinkedIn. There are 10+ professionals named "Stromback", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. View Rich Stromback’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community.

Internationell inspiration hämtas för ungdomsbostäder i

Andreas Christiansen. 7. David Sjöland. 8.

Stay up to date on all the news in the Arch Viz Se Pierre Strömbäcks profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Pierre har angett 6 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, se Pierres kontakter och hitta jobb på liknande företag. Currently I am professor in journalism and political communication at JMG, University of Gothenburg, member of the steering committee of the Network of European Political Communication scholars (Nepocs). Among other assignments outside of the academic world, I am a board member of the Institute for Future Studies and the think-tank Futurion. Jesper Strömbäck, Monika Djerf-Pierre, and Adam Shehata.