H Index Journal List


Impaktfaktorer: Scopus - Publiceringsstrategi - Guides at

år 1995. The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The h-index correlates with obvious success indicators such as winning the Nobel Prize, being accepted for research fellowships and holding positions at top universities. h-index är ett mått för citeringsanalys, som beskriver både produktivitet och räckvidd i publicering för en forskare eller akademiker.

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2021-04-09 2018-06-01 2019-06-27 H-Index. 3. Publication type. Journals. ISSN. 23131799, 02504162. Coverage.

Statistical Modelling: 35 Impact Factor: 1.026 Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product Progress in Development Studies: 34 Impact Factor: 1.125 Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product Young: 25 Impact Factor: 1.160 Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar.

Leif Groop — University of Helsinki

For the academics working in the Sciences  2 Jun 2015 The h-index is an attempt at measuring the productivity and impact of a scientist or scholar based on his/her total body of work and citation  27 Jan 2017 To this end, the h-index for each investigator in the mentioned platforms Hirsch’s h-index: comparative analysis between Scopus, Web of  5 Aug 2020 The data sources you use to calculate your h index are important. that they only gather information from the journals they index. Scopus. What's your h-index?

Många citeringar behöver inte betyda bra forskning

In Scopus, for example, you simply need to search for the  Our results showed a stronger relationship and increased agreement between raters when calculating the h-index of a scientist using Scopus compared to WoS. Some of the concepts discussed in this section (like the h-index versus the g- index) may sound overly technical or complex.

H index scopus

Describes an H-index and instructions on formulating one using the Web of Knowledge/Web of Science and SCOPUS databases. In Scopus, the h -index is not a static value; it is calculated live on a set of results each time you look it up.
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Scholar" av Judit Bar-Ilan i Scientometrics,  Citations summary. Total number of articles: Total number of citations: h-index: Average citations:. Title, Type, SJR · H index · Total Docs. (2019) · Total Docs.

This will bring you to a report that includes their h-index. For Scopus  Nov 19, 2020 Please contact Information Specialists for more information on this process. Tools for Determining H-Index: Scopus provides citation tracking and  Nov 4, 2019 You could also use any other service that tracks citations, such as Web of Science.
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(3years) · Cites / Doc. (2years) · Ref. SJR acts as an alternative to the Journal Impact Factor (or an average number of citations received in last 2 years). This journal has an h-index of 13. The best  det är h -Index , CiteScore , SJR ( SCImago Journal Rank ) och SNIP ( Source Normalized Impact per Paper ).

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Carola Ruiz Hornblas — Macquarie University

Publication type. Journals. ISSN. 23131799, 02504162.

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This paper observed and compared corresponding researchers' data from Scopus to get their  Web of Science and Scopus showed interesting simmilarities in the h-index of Peruvian academic institutions. At individual level, documents indexed in citation   This paper observed and compared corresponding researchers' data from Scopus to get their H-index score. Subsequently, some researchers with huge  Feb 21, 2014 Wondering the best way to calculate an H-Index? You're not alone! There was some recent chatter on a medical librarian listserv about  May 29, 2020 Scopus - multi-disciplinary citation database of peer-reviewed literature with tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

This page is part of a larger set of rankings for research items, serials, authors and institutions made available on this site. A FAQ is available.. Only authors registered with the RePEc Author Service are considered.; Only works listed on RePEc and claimed as theirs by registered authors are counted.; Different versions of the same work published in different series h-index: measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scholarhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-indexScopushttps://www.scopus.com/ 2021-04-02 A short screencast showing how to obtain a H-index for an author from www.scopus.com A multi-disciplinary database of peer-reviewed literature, Scopus indexes a broader range of journals than Web of Science, which can result in a higher h-index. However, citations to pre-1996 articles published after 1996 are not currently included in the h-index calculation provided by Scopus. Four Scopus-specific metrics can be found on a document’s metrics details page: total number of citations by a date range of the user’s choosing, citations per year for a range, citation benchmarking (percentile) and Field-weighted Citation Impact.. PlumX Metrics: Also found on a document’s metrics details page, five comprehensive, item-level metrics that provide insights into the ways 2015-07-29 Your h-index relies on two key pieces of information for its accuracy:. The documents you published must be linked to your profile; Citations of your documents must be linked in Scopus; We get it right almost all the time; however, there are times when corrections need to be made, and we are happy to help you with those..