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ERC Consolidator Grant to the Division KTH

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Professor Giovanni Volpe vid Institutionen för fysik har valts ut som mottagare av ett nytt European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. Anslaget på 2 miljoner euro kommer att användas till forskning som syftar till att ta nästa steg i utvecklingen av system för artificiell aktiv materia. The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. It funds young, early-career top researchers ( 'ERC Starting grants '), already independent excellent scientists ( 'ERC Consolidator Grants' ), and senior research leaders ( 'ERC Advanced Grants' ). The European Research Council (ERC) is a public body for funding of scientific and technological research conducted within the European Union (EU). Established by the European Commission in 2007, the ERC is composed of an independent Scientific Council, its governing body consisting of distinguished researchers, and an Executive Agency, in charge of the implementation. ERC Consolidator Grants till två KI-forskare Weimin Ye och Gonçalo Castelo-Branco, forskare vid Karolinska Institutet har beviljats ERC Consolidator Grants i 2015 års utlysning.

Dr. Katia Parodi  Oct 27, 2020 ERC Consolidator Grant funding. The European Research Council (ERC) funding is awarded to leading researchers for pioneering work at the  Oct 29, 2016 ERC-consolidator grants are designed “To fund top researchers of any nationality and age, with over 7 and up to 12 years of experience after  Oct 25, 2020 Are you going to apply to the ERC Consolidator Grant in February 2020? The Research Council and the University of Oslo invites you to attend  Dec 9, 2020 Milena Bellin will use her ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate human cardiac diseases with mini hearts from a 3D printer.

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The ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to s upport excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. In 2020, ERC Consolidator Grant funding will help mid-career researchers consolidate their own teams and carry out innovative projects across all scientific disciplines: from making patent-free equivalents to existing medicines, understanding how collective memories and legacies of historic empires are created, to uncovering the molecular cause for some mammal’s long pregnancies.

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Learn what to watch out for when you consolidate. DaniloAndjus / Getty Images Debt consolidation is the process of paying off multiple existing debts with Beginning in the early 2000s, the United States began to experience a great increase in the number of large bank mergers, including Bank of America with FleetBoston and JPMorgan Chase with Bank One. This has been made possible by the Riegle John Pierpont Morgan spent much of the 1907 banking panic playing solitaire in his library, while captains of industry came forward, one by one, with their plans for saving the country. Today, the US has the hyperactive Hank Paulson instead Is debt consolidation right for you? Whether you're drowning in credit card debt or scrambling to pay student loans, debt consolidation can help get your finances back on track. Elevate your Bankrate experience Get insider access to our bes Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into a single balance with just one monthly payment. Get details on debt consolidation options and benefits. Debt consolidation is using one loan or credit card to pay off multiple loans Dec 17, 2019 The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the winners of its Consolidator Grant competition.

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Feb 19, 2016 14 of the 302 winners of the 2015 Consolidator Grant competition are Israeli researchers, the European Research Council (ERC) announced  Dec 5, 2018 Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Member (2015) in the School of Historical Studies, has been awarded a 2018 ERC Consolidator Grant. Rosa's project  9. prosinec 2020 Čtyři Češi získali ERC Consolidator grant. Prestižní grant Evropské výzkumné rady letos obdrželo 327 výzkumníků ve fázi od 7 do 12 let od  ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Prof. van Rooij.
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The Talents @UniPD programme is aimed at identifying outstanding candidates for the “ERC Starting Grant 2021" and the “ERC Consolidator Grant 2021" calls, funded by the European Commission Framework programme Horizon Europe, with deadlines March 9th, 2021, and April 20th, 2021 Professor Giovanni Volpe at the Department of Physics has been selected as recipient of a new European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. The 2-million-euro grant will be used for research aiming to take the next steps in the evolution of artificial active matter systems. Professor Giovanni Volpe vid Institutionen för fysik har valts ut som mottagare av ett nytt European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. Anslaget på 2 miljoner euro kommer att användas till forskning som syftar till att ta nästa steg i utvecklingen av system för artificiell aktiv materia.

Forskningscenter. Prehistory and  Åsa Haglund (at Chalmers University, NanoLund Affiliated Member) has won an ERC consolidator grant with the title: “UV-LASE: Out of the blue:  ERC Consolidator Grant — ERC Consolidator Grant riktar sig till de som nyligen startat en forskargrupp och vill stärka sin roll som  9 dec.
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Två forskare från KTH får ERC Consolidator Grants -

The ERC's main frontier research grants aim to empower individual researchers and provide the best 14 researchers in Sweden to receive an ERC Consolidator grant. The ERC has published the results of this years call for Consolidator grants. A total of 327 researchers from 39 countries will share more than 655 million EUR. 14 of them have a Swedish host institution.

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ERC Consolidator Grant. ERC Consolidator Grant riktar sig till de som nyligen startat en forskargrupp och vill stärka sin roll som forskningsledare, och omfattar upp till 2 miljoner Euro. Första utlysningen skedde 2013. Vid KI har följande forskare erhållit ERC Consolidator Grant: 2019 ERC Consolidator Grant #772873 Prof.

Giovanni Volpe tilldelas nytt ERC Consolidator Grant

2015 fick Tünde Fülöp ERC Consolidator Grant; ett anslag på 2 miljoner euro från Europeiska forskningsrådet​. 15 jan. 2014 — SSF-forskare får ERC Consolidator grants.

ERC Consolidator Grant 2017 - Evaluation Call updates  Research Services invites Lund University researchers planning to submit a proposal to the ERC Starting or Consolidator Grants call to a workshop. The workshop  27 okt. 2020 — ERC Consolidator Grant riktar sig till forskare, 7–12 år efter avlagd doktorsexamen, som nyligen har startat en forskningsgrupp och vill stärka  11 sep. 2020 — Det gör de bland annat genom tre stora system för forskningsanslag – ERC Advanced Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant och ERC Starting Grant  12 feb. 2021 — 2015 I was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for an interdisciplinary study of how disability affect people's participation in society past and  30 apr. 2020 — Möttönen har redan beviljats ERC Consolidator Grant-finansiering på två miljoner euro för perioden 2017–2021. Det nya SCAR-projektet  9 dec.