Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde


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Now they diagnose religious and spiritual believes. Crazy. Rauni-Leena Tellervo Luukanen-Kilde, née Valve le 15 novembre 1939 à Värtsilä et décédée le 8 février 2015 à Vaasa, est une ufologue et essayiste finnoise. Biographie [ modifier | modifier le code ] Das ist mein erster Untertitelversuch. Ich wollte die Botschaften in diesem Video und in weiteren, die noch kommen, unbedingt mit Menschen teilen, die Englisch vielleicht nicht so 2018-08-07 · Dr. Rauni Kilde was a “Targeted Individual” (TI) for decades.

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Kilde. KILDEN. Kildens. KILE. Kilian. Kilikia. Kilimane.

Since that accident Kilde has gone off on several paranoid riffs involving claims of UFO contacts and mind control. She also refers to herself as "formerly the Chief Medical Officer for Lapland." By Dr Rauni Kilde, Norway, 2014. The term generally associated with conspiracy theories is in fact a 50-years old ongoing techno-political project.

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She was harassed, defamed, tortured and eventually, on Feb. 9, 2015, murdered in this program. In her book, Dr. Kilde does not specify where she obtained this instruction manual or who Rauni on muinainen suomalainen jumala, Ukko-ylijumalan puoliso tai toisen tulkinnan mukaan itse Ukko. Rauni sisältyy Mikael Agricolan pakanallisten jumalten luetteloon (1551): Ja quin Kevekylvö kylvettin silloin ukon Malja jootijn. Sihen haetin ukon wacka nin joopui Pica ette Acka. Sijtte paljo Häpie sielle techtin quin seke cwltin ette nechtin. Dr. Rauni Kilde: Mind Control and Biological Weapons In Use Today (14 youtubes) Dr. Rauni Luukanen Kilde: Mind-Control, Robotization, and TransHumanist Agendas Can Be Defeated Only with Awareness.

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1946 utan att deras föräldrar fick veta detta.(20).
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[2000] Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde. Rauni Kilde was a provincial medical officer in Lapland from 1975 until a car accident in 1986. Since that accident Kilde has gone off on several paranoid riffs involving claims of UFO contacts and mind control.

Biographie [ modifier | modifier le code ] Das ist mein erster Untertitelversuch. Ich wollte die Botschaften in diesem Video und in weiteren, die noch kommen, unbedingt mit Menschen teilen, die Englisch vielleicht nicht so 2018-08-07 · Dr. Rauni Kilde was a “Targeted Individual” (TI) for decades.
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Dr Rauni Kilde – Fire Soul (1995). Dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, a physician, CMO of Lapland and a pioneer in ufology, parapsychology, reincarnation and  Skjulte verdener er interasjonal bestselger-forfatter Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen- Kilde sin femte bok utgitt i Norge. Hennes første bok fra 1984 - Det finnes ingen  Spanisch Ausgabe | von Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde | 1. Januar 1989.

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av AT Meland · 2011 · Citerat av 19 — en primær kilde til selvdirigerende indre tale (Schunk & Zimmerman,. 1997). Intervju er en kilde til å få vite noe RAUNI KARLSSON Demokratiska värden i. Vilket betydande pris vann Jukka Viikilä 2016?

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Dr Rauni-Leena jest Finką mieszkającą obecnie w Norwegii. Jest znaną i szanowaną osobą. Dr. Rauni Kilde on chips in Mind Control Saturday, 06 December 2014 15:52 At one of the worlds first conferences against covert harassment, Nov. 20, 2014 in Brussels, Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde, talked on the topic Bright light on black shadows, man is a mind, not a body . Dr. Rauni Kilde M.D. In 1952, when electronic implants were placed in the brain and teeth for tracking, behavior and mind control, conditioning, programming, and covert operations, it became necessary to hide the technology, Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB) and implants during surgery or abduction from the public because of the Nuremburg Code, which prohibits involuntary medical In this Age Of Truth TV special “In Loving Memory Of Dr. Rauni Kilde” presented by Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander, she is remembered by a couple of her friends and colleagues; British truth researcher and producer of the BASES PROJECT, Miles Johnston, Norwegian truth researcher and friend to Rauni Kilde, Anne Hess, Danish-born author, lecturer, truth researcher, Ole Dammegård Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (born 1939) was the provincial medical officer of the Finnish Lapland Province with a doctorate in medicine from 1975 until a car accident in 1986, which took away her ability to continue her work and career. Since then she has been best known for her UFO contacts and related thoughts. She likes to advertise her former title, but often she rather calls herself a Rauni Kilde: DSM Diagnostic Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders had – up to 1994 – claimed that contact with the dead was a sign of schizophrenia.

.]. MIND CONTROL ARTICLES by the New York Times complied by Dr. Rauni Kilde FULL PDF · **Bright Light on Black Shadows Foreword "Having attended  INTERNATIONAL OPEN LETTER TO TI - "HELP ME TO HELP YOU" - from the Publisher of the Book : BRIGHT LIGHT ON BLACK SHADOWS by late Rauni Kilde  Velmi děkuji Orgonetovi za tak obsáhlý, jistě náročný a kvalitní překlad. LF. Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde - 1-7/13 - o životě, očkování, mikročipech, strachu,   Rani Kilde Wrote a Book That Included the Gangstalking Training Manual Dr Rauni Kilde, M. With very long work hours doing manual labor to tire one out, and   RAUNI-LEENA LUUKANEN KILDE. Dr. Rauni Kilde was a “Targeted Individual” ( TI) for decades.