Använd Mentimeter för att skapa delaktighet inför, under och


‎Mentimeter on the App Store - App Store - Apple

Page 2. Mentimeter. Fråga 1: Vad är högkvalitativ forskning? Sådan som inte är usel eller medioker. Nyskapande,  Mentimeter is an easy-to-use web-based software that makes presentations, events and classrooms interactive and fun.

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Presenters, lecturers and event managers that use Mentimeter often have been asking for an app to complement the web-based tool, and now their wait is over. 2020-12-05 · There are more than 25 alternatives to Mentimeter for a variety of platforms, including the Web, iPhone, Android, Windows and iPad. The best alternative is AhaSlides, which is free. Other great apps like Mentimeter are Classtime (Freemium), Slido (Freemium), Kahoot! (Freemium) and Wooclap (Freemium). The list of alternatives was last updated Dec 5, In the Edit View of Mentimeter, there is a Settings option in the top menu.

Länsförsäkringar Bank: app gör sparande roligt. 62.

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Page 8. Page 9. Page 10. Johanna Aronsson, Mentimeter.

Mentimeter AB i Stockholm – Info Ratsit

It offers interactive Q&A, live polls and insights about your audience. With Mentimeter you can add a layer of interactivity in your lecture, both in the classroom as well as in Zoom or Teams.

Mentimeter application

We are looking for  Bildresultat för mentimeter. På studiedagen ska vi arbeta vidare med digitaliseringen av vår undervisning. Vi kommer att presentera delvis  Även WhatsApp går att ladda ned till mobilen eller använda via datorn. Där finns funktioner för att skriva meddelanden, dela dokument, ringa och  Pedagogisk film som beskriver handhavandet av Mentimeter. Lärverktyg Finns som app att ladda ned.
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Learn more. Create interactive presentations & meetings, wherever you are. Use live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and Mentimeter enables you to turn meetings, workshops, training, conferences or classes into interactive experiences that are fun for both you and your participants. Create Word Clouds based on your audience's impressions, ask a quick Multiple Choice question to let your audience vote, or energize the entire room with a Quiz competition!

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i sin presentation och åhörarna svarar antingen på en webbsida i datorn eller i en app i telefonen. Mentimeter. Eventappen Med hjälp av Axacos app kan du skicka ut pushnotiser till dina deltagare. Deltagarna har App in Conf.

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Our vision  Uppsatser om MENTIMETER. Sökning: "Mentimeter" The data comes from a subscription SaaS-application, namely Mentimeter, which allows users to  bakom Årets HR-bok 2020 och Mentimeters HR-chef Anna Gullstrand Anna App per prof #56 Mentimeter.


How to use Mentimeter application - Tamil. Skip navigation Sign in. Search. Loading Close. This video is unavailable.

Even though Mentimeter application is introduced just for Android OS in addition to iOS by Niklas Ingvar. you could potentially install Mentimeter on PC for laptop. แนะนำ Mentimeter ตัวช่วยกระตุ้นให้เกิดการมีส่วนร่วมในชั้นเรียน Mentimeter enables you to turn meetings, workshops, training, conferences or classes into interactive experiences that are fun for both you and your participants. Create Word Clouds based on your audience’s impressions, ask a quick Multiple Choice question to let your audience vote, or energize the entire room with a Quiz competition!