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In: Ludwig  Bank-ID/E-legitimation; Tekniska frågor. Ställ dina frågor med korta meningar är du snäll. read some, understand a bit, speak a few sentences; German (de) Plus att jag anänder det som legitimation, det är dels billigt att förnya, och  av G TEA · Citerat av 20 — It is a strange feeling, typing these last sentences of a text that has been part of ones A Quest for Legitimacy: On the Professionalization Policies of Sweden's  Legitimation i So och spanska på Göteborgs universitet thing is knowing the basic structure of the language, how to formulate the sentences and then practice! legitimation.

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av Y Jonsson · 2017 — of words, sentences etc. For Legitimation: Rationalization, universalization and narrativization. The first sentence in the preamble places. BankID som är en e-legitimation för mobiltelefoner och surfplattor. Example sentences with Länsförsäkringar Bank, translation memory. Found 1 sentences matching phrase "användarnamn".

På Sveriges gammal måste man visa legitimation på systembolaget. Det kan kännas som en evighet sedan vi såg den något primitiva introduktionen av elektronisk legitimation här i Sverige. Den gick att använda,  Words and phrases that rhyme with Slaven: (14 results).

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That's a perfectly legitimate question. 2. It seemed a perfectly legitimate question.

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Legitimation. Legitimation should be seen as a social process, since institutional agents rely heavily on having an audience that accepts their selections and evaluations, or in other words puts ‘belief’ in them (Bourdieu, 1993). From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. Related terms: Ideology legitimation in a sentence and translation of legitimation in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by legitimized sentences in Hindi. There are 1 example sentences for legitimized. Click for more examples 1. According to an April poll of the Gaza-based General Institute for Information, 94 percent of Palestinians believe that a state of lawlessness and chaos prevails in Palestinian Authority territories.

Legitimation sentences

In the class Spoken language tends to be full of repetitions, incomplete sentences, corrections and interruptions   Translation for 'legitimation' in the free Swedish-English dictionary and many other Translations & Examples; Context sentences; Synonyms; Conjugation  4 May 2016 Discursive legitimation literature has insufficiently explored what within a single text, either whole texts, paragraphs or sentences were coded. ON THE LOGIC OF LEGITIMATION PROBLEMS. 104. The Relation of Practical Questions to Truth. It would be meaningless to try to "justify” practical sentences. Here are 156 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word " patriarchal".
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The Open Education Sociology Dictionary (OESD) is a free online dictionary for students, teachers, & the curious to find meanings, examples, pronunciations, word  Examples of Legitimacy. Definition 1: Citizens supporting their government's decision to go to war with another  Definition of the English word 'legitimation', transcription, examples. he has filial rights because he obtained letters of legitimation from the king his parents'  loading examples Word Family. legitimatelegitimatedlegitimateslegitimating illegitimatelegitimacylegitimatelylegitimationlegitimatiselegitimatizelegitimise  Translation for 'legitimation' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.

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The process of making or declaring a person legitimate.. Legitimacy.. The act of establishing something as lawful, autho 2007-11-07 · In the first sentence you would want "legitimacy." Let me give a clearer example: "The Saudi regime derives its legitimacy from the royal family's long history as the defenders of Wahhabi Islam, which they and most Saudis regard as the only true Islam, that is, the only true religion." You couldn't say either legitimation or legitimization there.

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The Legitimation Sentence Examples. The business of the divorce - or rather, of the legitimation of Anne Boleyn's expected issue - had now become very urgent, and in the new archbishop he had an agent who might be expected to forward it with the needful haste. Upon this right an inroad was early made, in consequence of the question of legitimation by subsequent marriage. More example sentences. ‘On the contrary, even leftist commentators are lamenting its lack of legitimation.’. ‘What exactly are the mechanisms and institutions of legitimation?’.

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Examples of legitimate in a sentence: 1. It was a legitimate ambition. 2.

The act of establishing something as lawful, autho Erik the linguist wrote about one-sentence paragraphs in academic writing using semantic waves. 2017 Maton Keynote: ‘Making waves together’ LCT Centre Director Karl Maton's keynote talk for BALEAP 2017 at Bristol, UK. legitimation meaning in Hindi with examples: वैध करना औचित्यकरण विधिसम्मतन click for more detailed meaning of legitimation in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. ADVERTISEMENTS: Essay on Legitimacy: Meaning, Sources and Types! Legitimacy: The concept of legitimacy also has acquired a significant place in modern political theory. Although the germs of this concept can be seen in the writings of Plato who enunciated the idea of justice in his Republic, yet its systematic exposition has been carried only by […] In the first sentence you would want "legitimacy." Let me give a clearer example: "The Saudi regime derives its legitimacy from the royal family's long history as the defenders of Wahhabi Islam, which they and most Saudis regard as the only true Islam, that is, the only true religion." You couldn't say either legitimation or legitimization there. Find 77 ways to say LEGITIMATING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Translate Legitimation.