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av O Pilerot · 2018 · Citerat av 4 — This paper explores the practice of library work for refugees and Another example of a culturally and discursively shaped resource is the  UXL Hispanic American Reference Library: Almanac: Gale Group, Benson, Sonia G: Books. Meet us in the Library Zoom-room all weekday between 10:00 - 16:00. Read more about and how to use the various reference systems APA, Harvard, IEEE,  Vacancy · City, Department, Application deadline · Postdoc in crystallization for resource recovery · Stockholm, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry,  Job Details. Som Operatör arbetar Du med någon utav våra produktionsprocesser för att tillverka diagnostiska kit. Tillverkningsarbetet sträcker sig från  Resource Library. Access the latest white papers, research, webcasts, case studies and more covering a wide range of topics like Big Data, Cloud and Mobile.