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Welcome to Atrium Ljungberg. Atrium Ljungberg owns, develops and manages properties. Our primary focus is on offices, but our vibrant urban environments also include residential properties and cultural, service, retail and educational facilities. We create city districts where people want to be, today and tomorrow. Atrium Ljungberg is one of Sweden’s biggest listed property companies.

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Financial Reports & Presentations. Year-end report January–December 2020. In a challenging quarter Investor Relations Contact Information Atrium Mortgage Investment Corporation 20 Adelaide Street East - Suite 900 Toronto, Ontario M5C 2T6 Telephone: (416) 867-1053 Wihlborgs is regularly publishing financial reports. You can find the latest reports here, as well as archived reports from 2005. Atrium Ljungberg in Kista, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Kista and beyond.

investor relations Aktien Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ) will be a FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series constituent as of September 23, 2019. 12 Apr -19, 9:30 AM - Financial report Interim report Jan-Mar 2019 Atrium Ljungberg owns, develops and manage properties. Our focus is on developing attractive urban environments in Stockholm, Uppsala, Malmö and Gothenburg.

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Bolagets största ägare är kooperativet KF tillsammans med familjen Ljungberg. 1 dag sedan · SEB höjer riktkursen för Atrium Ljungberg till 185 kronor (170), upprepar behåll - BN (Finwire) Investor Relations: christian@borsveckan.se 070-571 65 88 Atrium Ljungberg is one of Sweden’s biggest listed property companies. The total letting area is around 1.1 million square metres, distributed among around fifty properties and valued at SEK 45 billion.

Financial Hearings: Investor Relations Event

Atrium Ljungberg är ett av Sveriges största börsnoterade fastighetsbolag. Vi äger, utvecklar och förvaltar fastigheter på tillväxtmarknader i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Uppsala.

Atrium ljungberg investor relations

12 Apr -19, 9:30 AM - Financial report Interim report Jan-Mar 2019 Atrium Ljungberg owns, develops and manage properties. Our focus is on developing attractive urban environments in Stockholm, Uppsala, Malmö and Gothenburg. Working with the municipalities, our customers and people living in the city, we build vibrant urban environments where offices and residential units are mixed with culture, services, retail and education. Our retail portfolio includes properties that offer premium retail and leisure spaces with best-in-class services that reflect modern consumer lifestyles and an increasing focus on mixed uses. We create places to shop, eat and be entertained that are convenient and accessible, and are strongly connected to their local communities. Atrium Ljungberg is one of Sweden’s biggest listed property companies. The total letting area is around 1.1 million square metres, distributed among around fifty properties and valued at SEK 45 billion.
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Investerare - allt du behöver veta om — miljarder Att investera i Atrium Ljungberg innebär också att investera i hållbar. Analys av Atrium Ljungberg Observera att investering i aktier alltid i sektorn Investor relations - Atrium Ljungberg Nu väljer även Vedgard  Namn: Investor Genovis aktie En sparare hos Avanza sålt 28 aktier i Midway 20190822 Aktietips: Köp Atrium Ljungberg – sälj Genovis och Spiltan Genovis Investor Relations » Finansiella rapporter Genovis (GENO)  Aktien investoren wissen seriös.

Quote Stock Atrium Ljungberg (publ) is a real estate company that focuses on offices and retail, but also owns and operates residential properties and cultural, service and educational facilities. The Company's real estate holdings are primarily located in Stockholm, Uppsala, Malmö and Gothenburg. Investor Relations Home .
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The implementation of IFRS 16 Leasing has resulted in Atrium Ljungberg recognising a financial asset and liability for leaseholds in the balance sheet. In the income statement leasehold fees have been reclassified from ‘Property management costs’ to net financial expenses. Welcome to Atrium Ljungberg.

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Hufvudstaden AB, 28,775. Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB, 28,498. Klövern AB, 22,703.

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At the Annual General Meeting in Atrium Ljungberg held on 25 March 2020 it was resolved to adopt the Annual Report for the financial year 2019. It was also resolved to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability in respect of the financial year 2019. Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ) This disclosure contains information that Atrium Ljungberg AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 16-04-2021 07:30 CET. Atrium Ljungberg owns, develops and manage properties.

i Norden AB, 37,521. Hufvudstaden AB, 28,775.