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Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, warmi, Agatha Christie, (Torquay, 1890 mara 15 uru Llamp'u phaxsin yuritayna - 1976 mara 12 uru Chichu phaxsin yuriwi), Inlatirra jacha marka qillqiri. Awki: Frederick Alvah Miller; Tayka: Clara Boehmer. Se hela listan på fr.wikipedia.org Jeff Christie mantuvo el nombre del grupo vivo hasta finales de 1973 cambiando miembros de la banda, y grabando canciones para Mercury Records a mediados de los setenta. Siguió usando el nombre del grupo incluso como un alias para material que grabó en solitario, hasta que en los ochenta comenzó a usar su nombre completo. I Christie sono un gruppo musicale rock britannico, attivo dal 1969 al 1976 e dal 1990 ad oggi fondato a Leeds (Yorkshire) da Jeff Christie, polistrumentista e compositore della maggior parte delle canzoni della band. Agatha Christie (Torquay, 1890. szeptember 15.

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2021-04-10 Julie Christie (born 14 April 1941) is a British actress.She has worked in theatre, motion picture and television.She has won the Academy, Golden Globe, BAFTA and Screen Actors Guild Award.In 1997 she was given a BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award, a lifetime achievement award.She has starred in many movies throughout her career. She was born in British India to British parents. Gwendoline Tracey Philippa Christie (born 28 October 1978) is a British actress and model.She is known for playing Brienne of Tarth in the HBO fantasy-drama series Game of Thrones and Captain Phasma in the Star Wars movies The Force Awakens (2015) and The Last Jedi (2017)..

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Fil:Agatha Christie.png. Läs på ett annat språk Källa.


Toppen på Christie Peaks är 252 meter över havet. Se hela listan på de.wikipedia.org Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller, DBE (Torquay, 15 de setiembre de 1890-Wallingford, 12 de xineru de 1976), más conocida como Agatha Christie, foi una escritora británica especializada nel xéneru policial, por que'l so trabayu tuvo reconocencia a nivel internacional. A Christie's, fundada em 1766 por James Christie, é uma das empresas de arte mais importantes do mundo, com vendas em 2015 que totalizaram £ 4,8 bilhões / $ 7,4 bilhões. [1] Christie's conseguiu criar uma rápida reputação entre as casas leiloeiras britânicas, nos anos seguintes à Revolução Francesa no que respeita ao comercio de obras de arte.

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Following the release of Jeff Christie's Floored Masters double album, the 1990 line-up of Christie embarked on a 2009 European Tour.
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Christopher James Christie (born September 6, 1962) is an American politician, political commentator, lobbyist and former federal prosecutor who served as the 55th Governor of New Jersey from 2010 to 2018.
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Bilder &  Med samlingen »Star over Bethlehem« visade deckardrottningen Agatha Christie att hennes repertoar var bredare än vad många anat. I denna utgåva  Agatha Christie (1890-1976) var brittisk författare och dramatiker, mest känd Technorati om Agatha Christie · Wikipedia om Agatha Christie  Agatha Christie, English Wikipedia; Agatha Christie, deutsche Wikipedia; Agatha CHRISTIE, esperanto Vikipedio; Agatha Christie, Wikipedia français; Agatha  Wikiquote. Innehållet är tillgängligt under CC BY-SA 3.0 om ingenting annat anges.

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– Wallingford, 1976. január 12.) angol írónő, „a krimi koronázatlan királynője”. Mary Westmacott álnéven romantikus regényeket is írt, de az utókor számára inkább mintegy 80 detektívregénye és nagy sikereket arató West End-i színpadi darabjai miatt emlékezetes. Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (o.s.

Fil:Agatha Christie-Portrait.jpg - Wikimini, encyclopedin för barn

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Julie Frances Christie (born 14 April 1940) is an Indian-born British actress. An icon of the "Swinging Sixties", Christie is the recipient of numerous accolades including an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (neiupõlvenimi Miller; 15.