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Thanks. 15 Oct 2020 Text (in bold). This is because Computer Modern doesn't have a bold small-caps font, so it just uses bold. LaTeX gives the following warning: 2 NFSS, the 'new font selection scheme' for LATEX, isn't actually that new.
But it also works with the small caps from Termes.
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Export (png, jpg, gif, svg, pdf) and save & share with note system In typography, small capitals (usually abbreviated small caps) are uppercase (capital) characters set at the same height and weight as surrounding lowercase (small) letters or text figures. They are used in running text to prevent capitalized words from appearing too large on the page, and as a method of emphasis or distinctiveness for text alongside or instead of italics, or when boldface is LaTeX symbols have either names (denoted by backslash) or special characters. They are organized into seven classes based on their role in a mathematical expression. This is not a comprehensive list.
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. Now I want to obtain correct letterspacing for these words using the microtype package and the command \textls, but adding labelfont = ls in the caption setup doesn't wo The syntax to set a font size or font style is easy: This is a simple example, {\tiny this will show different font sizes } and also \textsc{ different font styles }. This example shows how to use the smallest available font (tiny) in LaTeX and the small caps style. Open an example in Overleaf If you’re using fontspec, many sans-serif fonts have small caps, including TeX Gyre Heros and Adventor. You can also give the \setsansfont command the SmallCapsFont = option. – Davislor Oct 4 '19 at 19:58 The smallcaps is overrided and just bold fonts appear (which is how latex behaves usually without the bold-extra package).
There are no approved revisions of this page, so it may not have been reviewed. \cap: set intersection
2011-05-21 · But since drop caps are generally used at the beginning of a chapter or paragraph, these issues will not affect you in most cases. Finally, I would like to remark that the small capital style of the text after the drop cap can be changed. The following command will set it to be normal text: \renewcommand{\LettrineTextFont}{\rmfamily}
< From LaTeX to ConTeXt > In LaTeX \documentclass {article} \usepackage [T1] {fontenc} \begin {document} \textbf {\textsc {bold small caps}} \end {document} In ConTeXt MKIV \starttext \setff {smallcaps} Normal and \bf bold Small Caps.
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So the font-family provides small-caps for digits. I would recommend that you follow the conventions in the second edition of The LaTeX Companion and in Appendix A of The LaTeX Font Encoding Guide, in which weight and extent are part of the “series” (like bx for bold extended and sbc for semibold condensed) and italic small caps is the ic shape. Se hela listan på Re: Bold Small Caps Post by meho_r » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:03 pm In the attachment is the output of frabjous's code (with a small addition of \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} ) which, as you can see, works fine on my machine (TL2009 with relatively up-to-date packages). But it also works with the small caps from Termes. – user2478 Mar 17 '14 at 9:43 1 The “Times” font is in .dfont format and apparently fontspec is not able to use it other than with the AAT renderer, which is not available for TeX Gyre Termes; you should also have a Times New Roman.ttf in /Library/Fonts and on my system the combination works.
You’ll make your typography look sloppy, and unprofessional.
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When you execute the code, does it give you bold small caps? @esmitex You can't have bold small-caps with lmodern (which was why I used \mdseries in my example). Use a different font package and remove \mdseries (and add \centering to center it). – Nicola Talbot Nov 16 '12 at 16:54 But it also works with the small caps from Termes. – user2478 Mar 17 '14 at 9:43 1 The “Times” font is in .dfont format and apparently fontspec is not able to use it other than with the AAT renderer, which is not available for TeX Gyre Termes; you should also have a Times New Roman.ttf in /Library/Fonts and on my system the combination Fake italic small-caps are not recommended, any more than fake small-caps or fake italic. In general, faked glyphs always involve a compromise in quality. This answer highlights a few options for real italic and oblique small-caps, including an option for a Times-like font.
Latex Tubing, NR, light, Transparent - Saveen & Werner AB
They’re an authoritative and official looking alternative to italics or boldface — and quieter than ALLCAPS. You can use them wherever you feel it’s right, but they have some specific uses too: smallcaps is a pre-processor library for LaTeX files.
The following command will set it to be normal text: \renewcommand{\LettrineTextFont}{\rmfamily} < From LaTeX to ConTeXt > In LaTeX \documentclass {article} \usepackage [T1] {fontenc} \begin {document} \textbf {\textsc {bold small caps}} \end {document} In ConTeXt MKIV \starttext \setff {smallcaps} Normal and \bf bold Small Caps. \stoptext In ConTeXt MKII \usemodule [cmscbf] \starttext {\sc Normal and \bf bold Small Caps.} \stoptext LaTeX symbols have either names (denoted by backslash) or special characters.