2010 - Ström
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Control your 4 Jun 2013 The setup is pretty simple: just a 909 and an Octatrack, right? with the sampler so I'm essentially building tracks live in front of you. I'm more into improvisation where it can and does go off on tangents Surgeon zb nutzt einen Octatrack und ein Modularsystem. Ich mach bei mir live alles per Improvisation, verwende auch keine Presets Anybody make a steady flow of hip hop on the Octatrack yet? Even with an MPC in tandem? Oct is great for live improv, I love it.
2020-08-16 This is an improvisation using Elektron Octatrack MKII as sequencer. Instruments used: - Vermona Perfourmer MKII - Elektron Octatrack MKII - Hologram Microco This has improved drastically my Live Set workflow, as now I can use inexpensive USB equipment as MIDI controllers for my music, and control the octatrack sampler in ways simply not possible with the default hardware layout. The list of devices I checked so far is promising, Xbox and PStation USB controllers, wired or wireless… 2010-11-01 2015-07-21 I’m looking into possibly buying an Octatrack to accompany my MPC Live 2. My only issue with the MPC is it’s a bit hard to jam on it.
filter overload from erebus at the end, sorry f [update 2017-11-01 The New OS is Here!!! Here is a new post on what’s new with a link do the download.] This rather lengthy post offers a comparison of the original Octatrack vs the Octatrack MKII from my perspective as a long-time Octatrack user.
Roya – håller pulsen uppe Zero Music Magazine
You can even write entire tracks start to finish on it, if you ever made stuff like old-school jungle in trackers in the 90s you can happily use the Octatrack like a seriously beefed up Amiga, and having a TRX-style sequencer and p-locking rotaries (and the scene fader) makes it much easier to bring a live element to your arrangements. Black Octatrack MKII Now Available; Novation Circuit Tracks Adds MIDI Tracks, Audio In, Analog Sync And More; Devo Nominated To Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame; What Eurorack Modules Do You Need To Talk To Aliens? Ableton Live 11 Coming February 23, 2021; Analogue Solutions Announces 4th Run Of Colossus Supersynth 'Boomerang Tang' - A Song 6 Years In Recorded this viola+Octatrack improvisation last night. The Octatrack is a sampler/effects processor with a sequencer.
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0 Small modular setup, Mood + DarkWorld and Octatrack. A silly improv from this weekends Lucia hafla. Step by to enjoy our live show with @blomtaala #gbgkulturnatta2019 #mysk #chant #pinga #analogrytm #octatrack #digitone #elektron #toraizas1 #dawless #hardware
för de flesta genrer men är mest sugen på instrumental improvisationsmusik. Livewire: Frequensteiner (analog fläsk VCF) 2500:- Livewire: VULCAN MOD + Elektron Octatrack, eller Machinedrum mk2 UV +drive , Clavia Nord Modular
från Stockholm och arbetar framför allt med trumpet, röst och liveelektronik. Through improvisations the resonating sounds from piano and guitar strings melt
realubot: Jag funderar på att hålla ett tal om improvisation.
For now I can think of recording my synth/modular and automate some parameters in the recording and fade back to the live input and so on…But I think there is more magic possible which I´m actually not aware about. How do you guys use live sampling with pickup/ flex
My Improvisation setup with Octatrack. youtu.be/tS6InL This week I will show you how I build tracks from scratch in my live performances using the Octatrack. Ciao
Albums: http://reovolt.bandcamp.com/Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/REOvoltSoundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/reovoltFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/re
This is a rushed setup i use on the Octatrack MK2. Had a last minute show in a few days, and this combination of gear allows me to easily perform dawless and
..#house #music #octatrack #octatrackmkII#hardware #live #improvisation #elektron #octatrack #stayhome #france #beatmaker #fuckcovid #lofimusic #lofibeats
The Octatrack MKII redefines how you transform your sounds, as well as how you interact and play with them. This sorcerer’s box brings enormous sample processing ability to the table, offering deep and radical manipulation of samples and loops in both rapid and improvisational live performance, and meticulous composition. this is a trial run with a new workflow, using the OP-1's built in tape function to record elements, adding drum elements sequenced live on the MPC, then sampling… live improvisation on MPC 1000, OP-1, and octatrack on Vimeo
Octatrack can absolutely be your loop based workhorse, and your prior time with the Digitakt will make learning it a lot easier. Another device you may want to look at might be the Akai Force.
Sonderborg vessel
All the synthesis comes from the Analog Four, Beats Machinedrum and additional samples, from the Octatrack. Octatrack is used as a mixer providing glitching and filtering the main output. The original Octatrack quickly became an industry standard for sampling and sequencing, both live and in the studio. Now, the new enhanced MK2 version takes the art of sampling one step further!
Joshua Seurkamp · Song · 2001.
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The choice is yours. [update 2017-11-01 The New OS is Here!!!
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Playing the Octatrack in a Live Jazz Setting - GUPEA
2011-04-26 · This video is unavailable.
Köp Novation Launchpad Pro MK3 + Ableton, USB-hub, midi
#fridhemsfolkhögskola #choir #harmonies #melodica #rhodes #octatrack #microkorg #hagstrom #dragspel #violin IDM - Drumcore - Glitch Enjoy. out now on Detroit Undergrounddetund.bandcamp.com/album/sinking-valueslofifreq.comsoundcloud.com/lofifreq#idm #420 #elektron Limitation is liberation.The Octatrack is a versatile, complex instrument. My best results with it happen when I've decided what to use it for in beforehand. This is a rushed setup i use on the Octatrack MK2. Had a last minute show in a few days, and this combination of gear allows me to easily perform dawless and The Octatrack MKII redefines how you transform your sounds, as well as how you interact and play with them. This sorcerer’s box brings enormous sample processing ability to the table, offering deep and radical manipulation of samples and loops in both rapid and improvisational live performance, and meticulous composition. The crossfader in conjunction with the Scene functionality makes live improvisation with the Octatrack easy and rewarding.
You can hear it enter Streaming live from @mejerietilund togheter with @loaver.music. May be an image Exploring generative composition with Octatrack and piano. It all starts with Timestretch & Pitch Shift, 2 Insert FX per audio track, 3 LFO per track, Live-friendly electron sequencer, 14% köpte Elektron Octatrack MKII Black, 14 190 kr.