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Most of the CSGO players are in Legendary Eagle or First Class Class. If you find yourself spending endless time promoting yourself, you will eventually reach your global level. Silver I is the lowest rank you can receive, and The Global Elite is the highest rank in the game.

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:DLinks I mentionned in the video:- 700€ Paracord Knife Giveaway: Global Elite (Foil) sticker details including market prices and stats, rarity level, inspect link, capsule drop info, and more. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive> Workshop > SerQ 🔥's Workshop This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. It is only visible to you. A rank in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is the best indicator of the player’s level of play. Every day thousands of players compete to and try to raise their in-game rank.

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