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Article database (abstracts + full text) The database covers mainly the areas of computer programming and IT. Contains full text articles from all journals and newsletters published by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), Conference proceedings as well as a large number of references to literature from other publishers in the field concerned. För att läsa innehållet på denna sida måste du markera texten du vill ha uppläst och sedan klicka på symbolen som dyker upp bredvid muspekaren. Purpose/Objective: This study aimed to describe the perceived stress levels and coping mechanisms related to COVID-19, and whether coping is related to well-being in people with self-reported chronic conditions and disabilities. Research Method/Design: A cross-sectional survey design was implemented. The total number of participants were 269 individuals with self-reported disabilities and Hughes RB(1), Lund EM, Gabrielli J, Powers LE, Curry MA. Author information: (1)Rural Institute on Disabilities, University of Montana, USA. OBJECTIVE: To review the empirical literature on the prevalence of interpersonal violence (IPV) against people with disabilities. ningen i pedagogik vid Lunds universitet mynnade ut i doktorsavhandlingen Motorik, koncentrationsförmåga och skolprestationer 2003.

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Almerud Österberg, S. & Rahmqvist, J. (2019) Akut omhändertagande. I A-K. Edberg  av N Bogestam · 2018 — Psycinfo.4. För att säkerställa att relevant polisforskning fångats in i sökningar- universitet, Lunds universitet, Uppsala universitet, Mittuniversitetet,. November Week 4 2016>, PsycINFO <1806 to November Week 4 2016> 7 (stockholm* or karolinska* or lund or lunds or uppsala or goteborg* or goeteborg*  av E Wennberg — Box 157, 221 00 LUND genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO. PubMed Tabell 3: Sökstrategi och datainsamling i PsycINFO.

5 Oct 2020 (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved), 2020 J.; Kristensen, S. D.; Landmesser, U.; Lund, L. H.; Lyon, A.; Mebazaa, A.;  13 Feb 2015 Lund, Susi, Richardson, Alison and May, Carl (2015) Barriers to advance Web of Knowledge, Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, British  15 Jun 2017 Up to 60% report bad sleep quality (Lund et al., 2010); 14.9% indicate Seven databases were searched [MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO,  15 Oct 2020 (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) which may lead to a reluctance to counsel children (Esposito 2016;Lund et al. Lund & Carr, 2015; Wise, 2011; Yancy & Davidson, 2014). This article argues that White power and privilege remain significant concerns within educational,  Import the file using the Reference Manager (RIS) import filter.

Sjukhusbiblioteket på SUS i Lund - en presentation! - ppt

För att säkerställa att relevant polisforskning fångats in i sökningar- universitet, Lunds universitet, Uppsala universitet, Mittuniversitetet,. November Week 4 2016>, PsycINFO <1806 to November Week 4 2016> 7 (stockholm* or karolinska* or lund or lunds or uppsala or goteborg* or goeteborg*  av E Wennberg — Box 157, 221 00 LUND genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycINFO. PubMed Tabell 3: Sökstrategi och datainsamling i PsycINFO.

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Tannehill D (eds)  Lund University students and employees only, login with student The PsycINFO database contains citations and abstracts from a wide range of scholarly  Om databaserna. PsycINFO är den mest använda databasen för att hitta artiklar inom psykologi. Tesaurusen, framtagen av APA, är särskilt  Nu produceras databasen i samarbete mellan Arbetsmiljöhögskolan vid Lunds Universitet, Föreningen för arbetslivsforskning i Sverige och  Lund. Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek. Lunds universitet, Box 157, 221 00 manualer för hur man söker i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl/AMED och PsycInfo. av I Hylander · 2004 · Citerat av 7 — within these different institutions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved) Lund: Natur och kultur.

Psycinfo lund

This systematic review aimed to evaluate the reporting of neonatal pain scales in randomized trials. A systematic search up to March 2019 was performed in Embase, PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Luxid. Randomized and quasirandomized trials reporting neonatal pain scales were included. Article database (abstracts + full text) The database covers mainly the areas of computer programming and IT. Contains full text articles from all journals and newsletters published by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), Conference proceedings as well as a large number of references to literature from other publishers in the field concerned. För att läsa innehållet på denna sida måste du markera texten du vill ha uppläst och sedan klicka på symbolen som dyker upp bredvid muspekaren. Purpose/Objective: This study aimed to describe the perceived stress levels and coping mechanisms related to COVID-19, and whether coping is related to well-being in people with self-reported chronic conditions and disabilities.
Markning livsmedel

Unlimited users. Purpose/Objective: This study aimed to describe the perceived stress levels and coping mechanisms related to COVID-19, and whether coping is related to well-being in people with self-reported chronic conditions and disabilities. Research Method/Design: A cross-sectional survey design was implemented. The total number of participants were 269 individuals with self-reported disabilities and 4 Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. 5 Department of Pediatrics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

PsycInfo Databas inom psykologi med omfattande indexering och abstract inom internationell litteratur inom psykologi från 1800-talet och framåt.
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PsycINFO is not a full-text database but you may find links to full text articles if LU have access to that journal. The list of journals covered in the PsycINFO database changes continuously as journals are added and discontinued throughout the year, it is updated online monthly: PsycINFO Journal Coverage List. PsycINFO är den mest använda databasen för att hitta artiklar inom psykologi. Tesaurusen, framtagen av APA, är särskilt användbar.

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Rapporter och uppsatser - 9789144097329 Studentlitteratur

av SSM Halhoule · 2018 — Dessa hittades genom sökningar i två databaser, PubMed och PsycINFO och begränsades till publikationer mellan 2011–2018. databases, PubMed and PsycINFO and is limited to publications between 2011-2018. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

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Objective/Purpose: The objective of this article is to provide information about the ways in which the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may affect the ongoing public health issue of violence against people with disabilities and how rehabilitation psychologists and other providers can address these concerns in their practice.

PsycInfo. (Inloggning med OpenAthens utanför regionens nätverk) Utges av APA LÄIF i Lund) publicerar oberoende evidensbaserade läkemedelsutredningar  2 Sjukhusbiblioteket på SUS i Lund n.. finns i ”Blocket”, plan 1 vid aulan n.. är öppet n MDConsult n PubMed n Swemed n PsycINFO n Cinahl n Cochrane m.fl. is available online: University of Copenhagen Lund University [Publications] My Dropbox Uppgift 1 – Enkel sökning & Bygga block PsycInfo är tillgänglig via  PsycInfo har inget sådant fält. • Vissa ”block” behövs inte (t ex om söka "äldre" i Lund: Studentlitteratur. Hausner, E., Waffenschmidt , S., Kaiser, T., Simon M. Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014.