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The beautiful nanny he’s hired to raise them. A forbidden romance unlike any other. A Nordic King is the newest standalone royal romance from the New York Times Bestselling author of The Pact and The Swedish Prince. A Nordic King by Karina Halle. My rating: 3 of 5 stars “There’s something about the warmth and depth of her eyes that makes it impossible to think. It’s like slipping into a warm bath until you’re so enthralled you wouldn’t even notice if you drowned.” A Nordic King – Karina Halle. Author Luisa Rivas-Martinez Published on September 22, 2018 : I would first like to say that I LOVE the cover of this book!

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#dailylit #litedit #nadaily #the swedish king #the wild heir #a nordic king #royal romance #* #*edit #books2019 A widowed father of two little girls. The beautiful nanny he's hired to raise them. A forbidden romance unlike any other. When I first applied for the job I thought it would be like all the others: working as a nanny for an aristocratic family.

Now eighteen A Nordic King · The Wild Heir -  Berntiers Hot Mail "Smulan".

Nordiska folkhögskolan - A folk high school is...

Posted September 21st, 2018 by Sara @HarlequinJunkie in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments. In A Nordic King by Karina Halle, Aurora left behind the bad memories of a life she wasn’t proud of back in Australia and has worked hard to earn a reputation as an accomplished nanny in Europe. .

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As usual with Karina Halle books, I don’t even know where to begin. But I can start by saying that before I read this book I’d been in a bit of a reading slump but at the same time waiting for this book to make its way to my Kindle so I could dig straight in. Four out of Five Stars A Nordic King is—Guyssss, it's so angsty! King Aksel had me in his clutches from the prologue alone. I may or may not have (totally may have) cried and ate all the chocolates in sight. But that's not all!! Aksel may be broody, I mean seriously look at the cover, but this guy is worth all the swoons!!

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The beautiful nanny he's hired to raise them. A forbidden romance unlike any other. When I first applied for the job I thought it would be like all the others: working as a nanny for an aristocratic family.
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The beautiful nanny he's hired to raise them. A forbidden romance unlike any other. A Nordic King is the newest standalone royal romance from the New York Times Bestselling author of The Pact and The Swedish Prince.

2018-09-21 · A Nordic King **received an ARC in exchange for an honest review** 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. A great story about two unlikely people falling in love even though they come from two different worlds. Aurora is a strong, independent person who has had to rely on herself for years.
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I based the character and the wolves on some Norse mythology.

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