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2016-09-01 About Filo Mining Filo Mining is a Canadian mineral exploration company which holds a 100% interest in the Filo del Sol Project on the border of Chile’s Region III and adjacent San Juan Province NGEx Resources spin-off Filo Mining has hit the TSX-V and NASDAQ boards with a 1st objective to develop its 100% controlled flagship Filo del Sol silver-gold-copper project, on the Ecuador/Chile border, as a low cost, heap leach operation. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 26, 2016) - NGEx Resources Inc. ()() ("NGEx") and Filo Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE:FIL) ("Filo Mining") are pleased to announce that Filo Mining has received confirmation from the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") that the conditions for listing have been satisfied and the TSXV has issued its Final Exchange Bulletin on August 25, 2016 confirming VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Sept. 1, 2016) - NGEx Resources Inc. (TSX:NGQ)(NASDAQ OMX:NGQ) ("NGEx") and Filo Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE:FIL)(NASDAQ OMX:FIL) ("Filo Mining") are pleased to announce that the common shares of Filo Mining (the "Filo Common Shares") have been approved for listing on the Nasdaq First North Exchange ("Nasdaq First North"). NGEx Resources Inc. is pleased to provide a review of the Company's projects and an update on the Company's plans following the successful spin out and listing of Filo Mining.

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och Africa Energy Corp., samt styrelseledamot i NGEx Minerals och Lundin  BLACKPEARL RESOURCES SDB. BODYFLIGHT. BOLIDEN FERRONORDIC MACHINES. FILO MINING CORP NGEX RESOURCES. NGS GROUP. Gruvbolaget Lundin Minings intäkter för det fjärde kvartalet var i stort sett som analytikerna väntat, enligt Infronts prognossammanställning,  FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden B, 3.33, Filo Mining Corp, 22.60 240.00, Nickel Mountain Resources, 0.20, NGEx Resources, 8.00.

(TSX VENTURE:FIL)(NASDAQ OMX:FIL) ("Filo Mining") are pleased to announce that the common shares of Filo Mining (the "Filo Common Shares") have been approved for listing on the Nasdaq First North Exchange ("Nasdaq First North").

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We are thankful to have had her commitment through the initial transition and settling time of the two new entities. He was responsible for the spinout of NGEx Minerals in the summer of 2019, and of Filo Mining in the summer of 2016, both from Josemaria Resources Inc. (formerly NGEx Resources Inc.). Kemp previously served as the Corporate Secretary of Filo Mining Corp., and NGEx Minerals Ltd., two other Lundin Group companies, as well as a Aurizon Mines Ltd., a TSX/NYSE MKT index listed gold mining company for more than 23 years.

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Fortum Oyj. International Petroleum Lundin Mining Corporation. Lundin Petroleum. Neste Oyj. Ngex Resources Inc. Nordic Mines AB. Norsk Hydro  Bahnhof B. 21,4 Aktietorget. SE0002457796. Beowulf Mining PLC Filo Mining Corp. 22,6 First North CA65339B1004. NGEx Resources Inc. Alara Resources Ltd · Alarm.com Holdings Inc · Alaska Air Group Inc · Alba Mineral Resources PLC · Albany International Corp · Albany Molecular Research  Josemaria Resources / Fel igen Numbertinito / Kan bli en trevlig dag imorgon.

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_____ Dessa allmänna råd tillämpas fr.o.m. beskattningsåret 2016. 1 För ytterligare information, se Skatteverkets meddelande, SKV M 2016:19. NGEx Resources has decided to spin out its Filo del Sol property into a new public company called Filo Mining as it looks to increase the market valuation of the project and concentrate on its Gruvprospekteringsbolaget Filo Mining, som knoppats av från Ngex Resources och ingår i Lundinsfären, redovisar ett resultat efter skatt på -4,6 miljoner kanadensiska dollar för det fjärde kvartalet 2017 (-5,3). Resultatet per aktie uppgick till -0:07 kanadensiska dollar (-0:09). NGEx Minerals Ltd. NGEx Minerals Ltd. is a Canadian copper and gold exploration company with projects in Chile and Argentina.
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 26, 2016) - NGEx Resources Inc. ()() ("NGEx") and Filo Mining Corp.

Before joining Filo Mining, Mr. Beck worked in corporate development with Lundin Mining, with a focus on project development, corporate strategy, acquisitions, divestments, and joint ventures.
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The Filo Common Shares NGEx Resources Inc. is pleased to announce its intention to spin out its wholly owned Filo del Sol property into a wholly owned subsidiary of NGEx, Filo Mining Corp., through a Plan of Arrangement NGEx Resources has decided to spin out its Filo del Sol property into a new public company called Filo Mining as it looks to increase the market valuation of the project and concentrate on its VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 16, 2016) - NGEx Resources Inc. ()(NASDAQ OMX:NGQ) ("NGEx" or the "Company") and Filo Mining Corp. ("Filo Mining") are pleased to announce that the previously announced spin-out of the Company's wholly-owned Filo del Sol property (the "Filo del Sol Project") into a wholly-owned subsidiary of NGEx by a Plan of Arrangement under the Canada NGEx Resources Inc. is pleased to announce its intention to spin out its wholly owned Filo del Sol property into a wholly owned subsidiary of NGEx, Filo Mining Corp. ("Filo Joyce Ngo has been a key member of the team since 2012 and was instrumental in the spinout of the Company from Josemaria Resources Inc. (formerly, NGEx Resources Inc.) as well as the earlier spinout of Filo Mining. We are thankful to have had her commitment through the initial transition and settling time of the two new entities.

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The Filo Common Shares NGEx Resources Inc. is pleased to announce its intention to spin out its wholly owned Filo del Sol property into a wholly owned subsidiary of NGEx, Filo Mining Corp., through a Plan of Arrangement NGEx Resources has decided to spin out its Filo del Sol property into a new public company called Filo Mining as it looks to increase the market valuation of the project and concentrate on its VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 16, 2016) - NGEx Resources Inc. ()(NASDAQ OMX:NGQ) ("NGEx" or the "Company") and Filo Mining Corp. ("Filo Mining") are pleased to announce that the previously announced spin-out of the Company's wholly-owned Filo del Sol property (the "Filo del Sol Project") into a wholly-owned subsidiary of NGEx by a Plan of Arrangement under the Canada NGEx Resources Inc. is pleased to announce its intention to spin out its wholly owned Filo del Sol property into a wholly owned subsidiary of NGEx, Filo Mining Corp. ("Filo Joyce Ngo has been a key member of the team since 2012 and was instrumental in the spinout of the Company from Josemaria Resources Inc. (formerly, NGEx Resources Inc.) as well as the earlier spinout of Filo Mining.

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are pleased to announce that the common shares of Filo Mining have been approved for listing on the Nasdaq First North Exchange . The Filo Common Shares 2016-09-01 · NGEx Resources Inc. and Filo Mining Corp. Announce Nasdaq First North Approval and Listing of Filo Mining Common Shares Email Print Friendly Share 01 sept. 2016 17h30 HE | Source : NGEx Resources VANCOUVER, July 17, 2019 /CNW/ - NGEx Resources Inc. ("NGEx" or the "Company") (TSX: NGQ) (OMX: NGQ) and NGEx Minerals Ltd. ("Spinco" or "NGEx Minerals") are pleased to announce that the previously announced spin-out of the Company's Los Helados property (the "Los Helados Project") and certain other exploration properties into a wholly-owned subsidiary of NGEx, NGEx Minerals by a plan of Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Josemaria Resources. Andelen 70 % anger hur många av Filo Mining Corp-ägarna som även har Josemaria Resources i sin portfölj.

("Filo Mining") the shares of which were then distributed to the holders (the "NGEx Shareholders") of common shares of NGEx (the "NGEx Common Shares"), all by way of a Plan of Arrangement under the CBCA (the "2016 Arrangement"). VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 16, 2016) - NGEx Resources Inc. ()(NASDAQ OMX:NGQ) ("NGEx" or the "Company") and Filo Mining Corp. ("Filo Mining") are pleased to announce that the previously announced spin-out of the Company's wholly-owned Filo del Sol property (the "Filo del Sol Project") into a wholly-owned subsidiary of NGEx by a Plan of Arrangement under the Canada NGEx Resources and Filo Mining, which are looking to develop open-pit copper operations in South America, confirmed in the past few months they were looking to incorporate autonomous haul truck technology from the off.