the company has grown - Swedish translation – Linguee


Nenda, an up-and-coming Swedish company, is being

8 Jun 2017 At first glance, understanding why one business is successful and Every business has a unique approach to these elements of success. But first, check your company details are correct on the register, and make sure your company has: stopped trading; paid all business debts; distributed all  7 May 2013 We had forgotten how small and powerless we really are. Now, we're reminded how easily anyone can be bought and sold. An era has ended.

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Have or has may be used with "the company". It depends where you are (AE or BE) and it depends on your context. In this particular example, singular seems more natural. Collective nouns - the government, company, team, fish ?

For example "Have" and "has" are both present tense conjugations of the verb "to have," and we use "have" or "has" depending on the subject. If the subject is 3rd person, singular, then you use "has." All other subjects take on "have". The words 'has' and 'have' are used as a main verb and auxiliary verb in the present tense.

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8 Jun 2017 At first glance, understanding why one business is successful and Every business has a unique approach to these elements of success. But first, check your company details are correct on the register, and make sure your company has: stopped trading; paid all business debts; distributed all  7 May 2013 We had forgotten how small and powerless we really are.

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A company has or have

As for the other examples you could have to use has. She has a wallet. He has a car. When do we use have? HAVE and HAS are both used in the present tense.
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As for the other examples you could have to use has. She has a wallet. He has a car. When do we use have?

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We harvest 100 hectares a day on average. This year wheat is of high second grade  The Company is engaged in advanced discussions and has entered into a letter The target company had revenues of approximately EUR 3.5 million and an  The company has a turnover of EUR 1 million or more. The company packs products in Finland or is an importer of packed products for the Finnish market.

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have 4. have 5. has 6. has 7.

Deliveries of effective solar thermal  One of our most important tasks is to lay the foundations for a good, secure working life If you begin work with an employer who has signed a collective contained in the collective agreement are binding on the company.