Säkerhetsdatablad: Interflon Lube TF Aerosol


Säkerhetsdatablad - Abkati

10-30. 1,1,1,2 UN1950 Aerosols, Non-Flammable 2.2 ( Non-. Aerosols, non-flammable. AEROSOLER. AEROSOLER. Beskrivning i transportdokument. UN 1950 AEROSOLER,.

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UN proper UN 1950 AEROSOLS, I UN 1950 shipping name non- flammable, 2.2 AEROSOLS, non- flammable, 2.2. Transport hazard | 2.2 class(es) . NON-FLAMMABLE AIRCRAFT INSECTICIDE PHENOTHRIN. Type of product.

Substance information for UN 1950 - Aerosols, poison, Packing Group III (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) based on the Hazardous Materials Table (Title 49 CFR 172.101) to assist in preparing a risk assessment for loading, transporting and storing hazardous materials. Hazard Class 2.2 Subsidiary class 8 Reportable Quantity (RQ)Acetone: RQ kg= 2389.47 Special Provisions A34 Description UN1950, Aerosols, 2.2 (8), RQ Emergency Response Guide Number 126 TDG UN/ID no UN1950 Proper Shipping Name Aerosols Hazard Class 2.2 Subsidiary class 5.1 Description UN1950, Aerosols, 2.2 (5.1) MEX UN/ID no UN1950 Proper ADR data for UN1950 AEROSOLS, asphyxiant and 11 other version(s) of this substance in the ADR system This website uses cookies in order to provide the best user experience. In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , you must explicitly agree to the use of cookies.

Säkerhetsdatablad enligt förordning EG nr 1907/2006

AEROSOLS, non-flammable. · 14.3 Faroklass för transport. Aerosol. Kem. beteckning.


Proper Shipping Name. Hazard Class. Description.

Un1950 aerosols non-flammable 2.2

ADR Aerosols, non-flammable. 14.3 Faroklass för transport. ADR. : 2. IMDG.
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Limited Quantity- Not Labeled for Air Shipments. Hazard Class. 2.2. Description.

14.2 Den officiella transportbenämningen från FN Aerosols, flammable Non-domestic Substances List (NDSL). 2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. Blandningen används i form av aerosol. Enligt bestämmelse Non Comburant.
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REGULATORY  Feb 3, 2017 non-ferrous and ferrous metals, protect electronic equipment, and to 2.2. DESCRIPTION: UN1950, AEROSOLS, NON-FLAMMABLE, 2.2. Jan 1, 2011 Class 8, Packing Group III. 2.2 (6.1,8). Not. Accepted.

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Säkerhetsdatablad - DENTALVERSENDER

· 2.2 Märkningsuppgifter AEROSOLS, non-flammable UN1950, AEROSOLER, 2.2. S. OWATROL POLYTROL AEROSOL - POLY01A.


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ERG Code. 2L. Shipping Description. UN1950, Aerosols, non-flammable, 2.2 , LTD QTY. 5201 - CHILL CLEAN EF AEROSOL, MM. Issuing Date 02/06/2014.